Page 25 of You & Me: Part One

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“Oh, thank God!” The rigid posture he’s been holding collapses and he lets out a huge sigh of relief. He brings me in for a hug that turns into him standing up and lifting me off of my feet and spinning me around. Once he puts me back on my feet he lets out a little whoop of excitement.

“Did you really think I was going to say no?” I question him.

“I was hoping you wouldn’t, but I know how serious you are about not dating or doing relationships and I was afraid this would be pushing you too far. I wasn’t kidding when I said I want every moment that I can get with you and I am so fucking amped that you said yes! Now let’s get the hell out of here!”

Bottle It Up


“So, I just need to go back to my room and get my stuff,” Emily says as she gets into Scarlett’s passenger seat.

“Nope, Cami just dropped it off while you and I were talking,” I say as I point to her suitcase and backpack in the back seat.

“What the?” she says as she turns back to me leaning on the passenger door.

“You sure you’re okay with all this? Now that it’s all happening I’m starting to think I shouldn’t have planned so much without talking to you first.”

“Yeah, I think so. I mean . . . I don’t know what I mean, but yeah, it’s okay. I just can’t believe you and Cami have been in contact and that she didn’t say anything to me. She knows that I hate surprises.”

Quietly I lean in with a soft kiss and say, “Sorry, Em. I didn’t know that you hated surprises. I hope it’s a good surprise though? I’ve been working on it all day.”

“You have?” she says sounding surprised and scrunching that cute little nose of hers up.

“Do you think I would have been able to stay away from you all day long if there wasn’t a good reason?” I give her a wink and head around the jeep and jump in the driver’s side.

My brain is reeling because I can’t believe she said yes. I mean it’s clear that she’s feeling the connection between the two of us just as much as I am, but I still thought that there was a good chance that she would say no. I have never been as nervous as I was moments ago when I invited her to stay with me the rest of the week. I don’t remember the last time I had sweaty palms. I think I was more stressed about my invitation to this sweet girl than I am to leave for Afghanistan next week.

If I am honest with myself, Memorial Day scares me more than anything. I have no idea how I’m going to say goodbye to her and we haven’t even slept together yet. Shit, I hope she doesn’t think I’m just asking her to stay with me so I can sleep with her. I should have assured her of that before she agreed.

Just as I am about to bring the topic up Emily asks, “So, what exactly have you been up to?”

“Don’t get too excited,” I say. “We’ll be there in a few minutes and then you’ll see. Remember, it’s not fancy, just a little military base cottage.”

“Oh, Georgia. I’m not high-maintenance if that’s what you’re worried about. I think the company in which I’ll be staying in this ‘not fancy’ cottage of yours will more than make up for whatever it is you’re thinking I won’t like.”

As those words leave her mouth the last bit of anxiety I was holding in melts away and we pull into the parking lot. God, I love it when she calls me, Georgia.

“Wait here,” I tell her.

I jump out of the jeep and around the back where I grab her bags with my left hand and then open her door with my right.

“So chivalrous of you, kind sir,” she giggles and reaches for her bags.

“I don’t think so. You will not be carrying your own bags while you’re with me, young lady.”

I shut the jeep door and take her hand as we walk over to the colorful row of beach cottages.

“Ours is the white one,” I say veering us to the left.

“Jonathan, it’s adorable and it’s right on the beach! This is so great! Thank you so much.”

I feel her squeeze my hand in her excitement and it makes my own excitement soar. I have to let go of her hand to get the key out of my pocket and to open the door.

“After you,” I say holding the door open for her.

I watch her walk in to the small cottage and down the narrow hall that leads to the living room. She’s almost skipping as she hops down the hall and takes everything in.

I could watch her walk around in those tight ass jeans that she has rolled at the bottom all night long. Watching her bend over that pool table earlier nearly killed me. The problem with placing her on that stool was that it gave me the perfect view down her shirt where I could see her red bra that was hidden under her black tank.

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