Page 24 of You & Me: Part One

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“Have a great week you guys,” Jonathan waves to Matt and his dad.

“Have a great week Irish, and take good care of Scarlett! See ya later Emily,” Matt says as he heads to the door.

These guys and naming their cars, they are so strange but I kinda love that about them.

Devon pushes his stool in and says, “Hey, Mr. Shellenberg, can I get a ride with you guys?”

“Of course, there’s always room for you, Devon.”

Devon gives me a hug and quietly says, “Don’t break his heart, PDX. He’s got it bad,” he says with a quick kiss to my cheek. “See you later. Have fun!”

“Bye . . .” I say like a deer caught in the headlights.

He’s got it bad? No. This is not the way it was supposed to go. I don’t want to hurt him. I already feel horrible that I’m not telling him everything but I just can’t. I don’t even know what’s going on. There are so many questions to ask myself, decisions to make and lives to think about. I can’t even imagine adding breaking Jonathan’s heart to the pile of shit that is my life. He deserves so much better than me.

“Em, what’s wrong?” Jonathan says as he bends his knees so he’s in my line of sight.

With a shake of my head I manage to say, “Nothing, everything’s good.”

“Good, but I’m gonna kiss you right now just to be sure.”

As his lips meet mine one of the cousins or is it the step-brother yells, “Get some!”

Pulling his lips from mine, he turns his head and gives the cousin or was it the step-brother a look that shuts him up pretty fast. With that Cami says, “Hey guys why don’t we leave these lovebirds alone and head on out.”

Cami to the rescue—as always!

As the group gets up to go and goodbyes are handed out, Cami pulls me to the bar and looks me right in the eye and says, “Say it with me . . . no regrets, live today like it’s your last and along the way kick some ass!” I knew the moment she said ‘say it with me’ what she meant but I have no idea why all of the sudden we’re chanting our little mantra. I am so confused.

“Em, all I am going to say is listen to what he has to say, and if you want to, say yes! That’s all I’ll say but know that I love you and I am just a phone call away.” She kisses my cheek and bounds off.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I yell at her retreating back but all I get is a look over her shoulder and a ‘I know something you don’t’ wave. I wonder if somebody spiked my drink because she’s just not making any sense to me at all.

When I return to the table, it’s just Jonathan there waiting for me in the window seat and he looks nervous. He’s wiping his hands on his shorts like they’re sweaty and he looks like he’s about to ask his parents to borrow the car or God forbid, propose marriage.

“Hey, everything okay with you?” I ask standing in front of him and taking his hands in mine.

“Yeah. Well, I hope it will be.”

“What are all of you guys acting so strange about?”

As if to get it over with, he blurts out in a rush. “Em, if I was able to get us a place, on the beach, for just the two of us would you stay with me for the rest of the week? My First Sergeant had it rented for the week but just had to take off for a family emergency. It’s just over in San Onofre on base. It’s not fancy, it’s just right down the road from here and Cami has all of my info and the resort, I use the term “resort” loosely, info . . .”

“You talked to Cami about this already?”

“I did, I know that you’re here with the girls and I knew that you wouldn’t even consider it if Cami wasn’t on board. I also wanted to be sure she felt comfortable and that I was up front with her.”

“When did you and Cami talk?”

“That night we went for ice cream we exchanged numbers, remember? So we’ve been texting. Please don’t be mad, I know you might not think it’s cool that I talked to her first but I wanted to do it right. It was almost like asking for your parent’s permission to take you to prom or something.”

The Emily I have created, the one with the walls around my heart, should be angry that other people are planning my life without my involvement. But there is something so sweet and endearing about him going to Cami for permission first.

I cannot believe that I am about to say this, I mean I just freaking met him but, “Jonathan, I would love to spend the rest of my week with just you. I really cannot believe you and Cami have planned everything out and I should be mad. But the thought of time alone with you . . . well sign me up, Georgia!”

“Really?” he asks with a look of shock on his face.

“Really,” I confirm for him.

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