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“We can’t keep doing this,” I say softly, not meeting his eyes. “Diane will find out.”

“I know.” He sighs and releases my wrist, scrubbing a hand over his face. “But when I’m near you, I can’t think of anything else.

His admission makes my heart skip a beat. I feel the same way, torn between my loyalty to my best friend and my growing feelings for her father. It’s a mess, but the only thing that feels right anymore is being in his arms.

“We have to stop,” I insist, though the words taste bitter on my tongue. If we don’t put an end to this now, the fallout will be devastating. But as Brian stands and steps into my space, his hands coming to rest on my hips, I know there’s no going back. I’m in too deep, and whether Diane approves or not, I can’t give him up.

“Tell me you don’t want this,” he says, his breath warm against my cheek, “and I’ll let you walk away right now.”

I open my mouth, ready to lie through my teeth, but the only word that comes out is, “Brian.”

Then his lips are on mine, and I’m lost. A screeching sound pulls us apart.

I gasp, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. “What was that? Is it Diane?” I whisper.

“No,” says Brian, listening carefully. “I think it’s just the cleaning staff.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” I say. I want to get back into his arms, but I’m so afraid of being caught that I step back. “Let’s just get back to it, then,” I say, my heart still pounding through my chest.

I can barely look at Brian without remembering the feel of his hands on my body, his mouth hot against my neck. My cheeks burn at the memory. I can’t deny the thrill that shoots through me.

After our workout, Brian heads to cool off in the outside shower while I decide to go indoors. But, five minutes later, I realize all my fresh clothes and toiletries are in the outside shower storage.

I head out, and I’m confronted with a half-naked sight of Brian. He’s toweling his hair, and the water droplets running down his chest cause my eyes to linger far too long. He comes closer, surprise etched in his eyes. “Need something?”

But I can’t find my words. He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen in my life. Our eyes lock, and we both know that this time there’s no turning back. So, when he takes a step closer, I slightly part my lips, and a gasp emits. “Brian…” I say. Before I can finish, he pulls me into his arms. I don’t resist. His hands move down my body, leaving trails of fire in their wake before finally finding their way around my waist as we come together in an all-consuming kiss.

We break apart for air, and the look on his face tells me everything I need to know: We can’t stop what we’ve started. And while I have no idea what consequences this could have for our futures, right here and now, nothing else matters but us.

I hesitate, knowing it’s a bad idea, but the desire pooling low in my belly is impossible to resist. “Okay,” I say, in a drawl. “Diane has left, right?”

“Probably,” he mutters. “Either way, I doubt she’d come out here.”

I nod and place my arms around his neck. He brings his lips close to mine and angles his head for the perfect fit. The kiss is gentle and unhurried like we have all the time in the world. Something shifts inside me, and I let out a tiny groan of pleasure. Brian pulls away and searches my eyes. He must like what he sees, because he kisses me again, deeper and hungrier this time. My muscles turn to liquid, and I can only cling to him and let the euphoria wash over me.

Finally, he steps back and takes my hands in his. “Let’s go inside,” he says, a roguish smile playing on his lips. My head’s spinning, and I feel my heart beat faster and faster. I take one last look at his bare chest before nodding and following him into the shower.

We strip down in silence, the tension thick between us. When the water comes on, Brian pulls me under the stream with him. I gasp as the cool water cascades over my heated skin, only to suck in a sharp breath when Brian’s hands slide around my waist.

“You’re so beautiful,” he breathes, his eyes dark with lust. “I’ve been dreaming about having you all to myself again.”

Suddenly, I hear a car start in the driveway. Brian and I pull apart. Our ears follow the sound of a car driving away. Arousal coils inside me, hot and insistent. “Brian, we can’t—” I say, suddenly petrified of getting caught.

My protest dies on a moan as his mouth descends to my neck. I clutch at his shoulders, torn between pushing him away and pulling him closer. His hands skim up my sides, thumbs brushing the underside of my breasts. He kneels down in front of me and takes one of my nipples between his teeth. Electric shocks course through me, and I moan as he teases it with his tongue before moving over to the other breast. With each gentle lick and nibble, my body tightens beyond recognition at this unexpected pleasure. I gasp as he continues exploring my body, pushing further down with each passing second until I’m on the brink of exploding with pleasure—if only he could continue just a little longer…

“Tell me to stop,” he rasps, “and I will. Just say the word, Tanya.”

But I can’t. Instead, I let out another moan as his fingers skim across my thigh, gently pulling me closer. I’m panting now, and my body is trembling from the anticipation.

“No,” I whisper. “Please…don’t stop.”

I squeeze my eyes shut, desire warring with guilt. I should stop this—I know I should. But when Brian slants his mouth over my clitoris, I can’t help but arch my back and give in to the pleasure. His mouth works magic, and each lick of his tongue seems to bring me closer and closer to a powerful climax. His lips are soft as velvet, but his teeth nip at my flesh. I moan louder, clawing at the shower’s tile wall as if that will help me stay upright—I’m soaring higher and higher until finally, my world goes dark with pleasure.

Brian rises from his knees and holds me close as my orgasm runs its course. Once I’ve caught my breath, Brian lifts me, urging my legs around his waist, and I go willingly. The hard ridge of his arousal presses against me, and I rock my hips with a soft moan.

“I need you,” Brian growls. “Right here, right now.”

“Yes,” I breathe. There’s no going back now. I don’t want to.
