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I have become somewhat obsessed with getting back at Zane Myers. Just last week, Bennett’s wife called to thank me for lending her money to pay off Bennett’s loan to Zane and his men. She said she’d pay me back with a reasonable interest rate, but I refused to hear that. I don’t want to see a dime of that money, I told her. In fact, I want to set up a college fund for Bennett’s kid. I’m rich. I can afford it. One can only imagine my surprise when she later called me, her voice full of fear, telling me to stay safe and look after myself. Apparently, Zane had threatened her to find out who paid off Bennett’s loan.

I figure the guy’s mad I paid it all back at once and took away his chance at profiting off the interest. Well, that’s karma for you. This is only the beginning. I plan on going out after Myers, all guns blazing, until he and his crooks are behind bars…or worse. I open my email to put together all the photos my private investigator has taken of his operation to see if I can piece together a geographical radius of the areas these guys spend the most amount of time in.

The pounding on my front door startles me, and I almost spill my morning coffee. Who the hell could it be at this ungodly hour? I swing the door open to find the devil himself—Zane Myers—leader of the gang responsible for my friend’s death, looming on my doorstep.

“Well, hello there, Russo,” he sneers, his eyes glinting with malice. “A little birdy told me you’ve been making trouble for my business.”

My heart leaps into my throat, but I keep my expression neutral. Can’t let him see he’s getting to me. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Zane.”

He snorts, clearly unconvinced. “Don’t play dumb with me. I know you’ve been gathering information about my loan operation. It seems like you’re eating into my profits, too. Now, why’d you have to go give money to that Bennett’s wife? Into charity nowadays, are we?”

I shrug. “You seem to be mistaken.”

Zane’s lip curls back, revealing teeth yellowed from years of drug use and poor hygiene. He jabs a meaty finger at my chest, his eyes flashing with anger. “I’m going to give you one last chance. Stay out of my way, or you’ll end up just like your pathetic little friend.”

Rage surges through me at the mention of Bennett, but I clench my jaw and remain silent. There’s no point provoking him further.

“In fact,” Zane continues, “I think you owe me. For all the trouble you’ve caused. A hundred grand cash should cover it. You’re a rich guy. You’ve got until the end of the week to deliver, or I start taking pieces of you. Starting with that pretty daughter of yours.”

My hands curl into fists, my nails biting into my palms. Bringing Diane into it is too far.

Zane smirks at my silence, sensing he’s hit a nerve. “See you soon, Russo.”

He saunters off, leaving me seething in the doorway. That brute is going to pay for threatening my daughter. No one hurts my family and gets away with it. No one.

Zane turns his back to me, clearly satisfied he’s won this round. But he’s made a grave mistake—he shouldn’t have brought Diane into this. I step out onto the porch, hands balled into fists at my sides. “Hey, Zane.”

He pauses, glancing over his shoulder. “What?”

“You’re right about one thing—I do owe you.” I start down the steps toward him. “For all the lives you’ve ruined. All the families you’ve torn apart. And for what you did to Bennett.”

Zane’s eyes narrow, but he doesn’t move—probably thinks I’m all talk.

“It’s time to settle the debt.” I come to a stop in front of him, close enough that I can see the dilated pupils in his bloodshot eyes. “Just you and me.”

He snorts. “You think you can take me, old man?”

“There’s only one way to find out.”

Zane shakes his head, a smirk twisting his lips. “You’re dumber than you look.” He throws a punch at my face.

I duck under his swing and lash out with a kick to his knee. Zane stumbles back with a curse, momentarily thrown off balance. But he recovers quickly, charging at me with a roar. I sidestep, grabbing his arm and using his momentum to throw him over my shoulder. He hits the ground hard, the air leaving his lungs in a pained gasp.

I drop into a fighting stance, waiting for him to get back to his feet. “Had enough?”

Zane struggles upright, rage etched into every line of his face. He pulls a knife from his belt and brandishes it at me. “I’m going to gut you, old man!”

He lunges, slashing at my chest. I knock the knife from his grip and throw another punch, aiming for his nose. Cartilage crunches under my fist, and blood spurts between Zane’s fingers as he clutches at his face. He cries out and stumbles back, his eyes wild. I press my advantage, raining blows on his midsection and face. Zane’s too dazed and stunned to properly defend himself now. He crumples to the ground, a whimpering heap of flesh and blood. I stand over him, my chest heaving. The rage that fueled me has started to fade, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. What have I become? Zane gazes up at me, hatred and fear warring in his eyes. He knows I could end him right here if I wanted to. For a long moment, I consider it. But no, I won’t sink to his level.

I take a step back, shaking my head. “Get out of here. And if you ever come near me or my daughter again, you’ll live to regret it.”

He struggles to his feet and stumbles off down the road, defeated. I remain on the porch until his silhouette disappears into the night. I wonder if I’ve made the right choice. My family’s safety is worth any cost—even my humanity…isn’t it?

Zane disappears into the darkness, but I fear this isn’t over. I make a mental note to call a friend who can help me hire private security later that night. I step inside and lock the door, leaning back against the sturdy wood. My knuckles ache and blood has dried on my shirt—evidence of the violence I’m capable of. With a sigh, I head to the bathroom to clean up. As I’m washing Zane’s blood from my hands, a loud crash shatters the silence.

The front door bursts open, wood splintering everywhere. Half a dozen figures storm into the house, crowbars and baseball bats in hand. Zane’s men. My heart leaps as I realize the trap Zane has led me into. But I don’t have time to think before they’re running at me. The first blow lands, a crowbar cracking against my temple. Stars explode across my vision. I stumble, struggling to remain standing, but a second strike sends me crashing to the floor. Boots collide with my ribs and face as the men descend into a frenzy of violence. Blow after blow rain down, bruising and breaking me. I curl into a ball, trying to protect my vital organs, but it’s no use.
