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Brian and I have now resumed our workouts, and since the incident a week ago, he hasn’t had a relapse once. I can’t help but feel proud of him. And I also can’t help but feel scared of him. I’m scared of myself, too; scared of what I feel when I think of his lips against mine, of what I might have done if the clock hadn’t chimed last time. Would I have kissed him? Probably. Would he have kissed me? Maybe. I hope so.

Right now, I’m glad that the sweat is pouring down my back as I guide Brian through a series of squats and lunges. When I’m around him and we’re not working out, my hands get clammy. At least now, I have a reason for that. His hair is damp against his forehead, and his tanned, muscular arms glisten under the gym lights.

“Five more,” I urge him. He grunts, pushing through the burn. “You’re stronger than that.”

Brian straightens, panting. “I think…that’s enough…for today.” His chocolate brown eyes twinkle with mirth.

I cross my arms, raising a brow. “What, you can’t handle a few more reps?”

“I need…a break,” he gasps dramatically, pretending to faint.

Laughter bubbles up in my chest. I rush to catch him as he collapses, my arms wrapping around his solid torso. A surge of warmth spreads through me at the contact. I stiffen, heat flooding my cheeks. I need to get a grip. I remind myself that he’s Diane’s dad, and I just can’t go there.

Brian’s eyes snap open, gazing into mine with an unreadable expression. The laughter fades from his face and something else takes its place—a flicker of heat and longing that has my heart stuttering.

I step back hastily, brushing my damp hair from my eyes. “Very funny. Take a break, old man, before you have a heart attack.” The tease falls flat even to my own ears. An awkward tension has descended upon us, fraught and heavy with things unsaid.

What just happened? I can still feel the imprint of his body against mine, solid and warm. Mortified, I turn away to fiddle with the stereo, my hands trembling slightly. Get it together, Tanya! You’re here as his personal trainer, nothing more. But the memory of that searing look won’t leave me, awakening a hunger I’ve long denied. I’m in serious trouble here. This can’t be happening. Not with Brian. Not with my best friend’s dad.

I clear my throat, avoiding his gaze. “So, ready to continue?”

“Perhaps we should call it a day.” Brian’s voice is gruff. “I seem to be a little…distracted.”

My cheeks flame hotter. Distracted. Is that what we’re calling this crazy tension now? I chance a peek at him through my lashes and immediately wish I hadn’t. He’s watching me with a look that makes my insides twist into knots, his eyes dark and hungry. I swallow hard, aching to close the distance between us again, to lose myself in his arms.

No. He’s Diane’s dad, I sternly remind myself. Brian is off-limits, no matter what we may be feeling. If Diane ever found out about this, it would destroy her.

I nod jerkily. “Yeah, we’re done for today.” I turn away to gather my things, wanting nothing more than to escape the weight of Brian’s gaze. I’ve never looked at Brian as anything more than my best friend’s kind and charming father before. Now, I can’t stop thinking about the hard lines of his body and the hunger in his eyes—like he wants to devour me whole.

“Tanya, wait.” His hand closes around my arm, sending sparks dancing across my skin. I face him reluctantly. “About what just happened…” He trails off, looking torn.

“Nothing happened,” I say firmly, willing it to be the truth. I attempt a casual shrug and fail miserably. “We got a little carried away. Let’s just forget about it, okay?”

“If that’s what you want.” His gaze searches my face. “But we can’t deny there’s something here, Tanya.” His thumb grazes the inside of my wrist, leaving flame in its wake. “And I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to forget.”

I swallow hard, my throat dry. How can I possibly resist him when he looks at me like that—like I’m the only thing in the world he wants?

“We can’t do this, Brian.” My protest comes out weak even to my own ears.

He steps closer, his body nearly touching mine. The heady scent of his cologne envelops me, blurring my senses. “Why? What’s stopping us?”

His words make me ache with longing and guilt in equal measure. I know if I give in, I’ll be betraying my friend in the worst possible way. But the need building inside me is quickly becoming too powerful to deny.

Brian’s hand slides up to cup the back of my neck, his touch searing. “One kiss, Tanya. That’s all I’m asking for.” His breath feathers across my lips as he dips his head. “One kiss, and I’ll let you go if you still want to walk away.”

I stare up at him, caught in the maelstrom of desire and indecision raging within me. How can one simple kiss cause my whole world to tilt on its axis? I know if I kiss him, there’ll be no going back. But maybe that’s what I need—to finally give in to this hunger that threatens to consume me whenever he’s nearby.

My hands curl into the front of his shirt, the only answer he needs. A groan rumbles in his chest as his mouth claims mine in a kiss that steals my breath and lights my blood on fire. The rest of the world fades away, and for one perfect moment, there is only Brian and the sweet pleasure of his embrace.

I fall weak in his arms, my knees turning to jelly as his tongue sweeps past my lips. He tightens his hold around my waist, supporting me as if I weigh nothing at all. I twine my arms around his neck and kiss him back with abandon, months of pent-up longing and desire pouring out of me.

We break apart, breathless, and stare at each other. The air around us seems to crackle with electricity. I know I should put a stop to this before it goes any further, but I can’t summon the will to push him away.

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” I whisper.

“No, we shouldn’t,” he agrees, his eyes darkening. “But we are. And it feels so right.”

He claims my mouth again before I can argue. I melt into him, my hands roaming over the hard planes of his chest. When we come up for air again, I’m pressed flush against him, our bodies aligned in all the right places.
