Page 39 of Caution

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And even though I could recognize that, I couldn’t seem to stop those negative thoughts from creeping into my mind. I’d had a great day with him, but in doing so while ignoring that little voice in my head, I knew I was setting myself up for heartbreak.

I wasn’t ever going to meet anyone like him ever again. To be honest, I wasn’t sure I wanted to, anyway. If I could have stayed here on this trip with him forever, I would have done it in a heartbeat. Since that wasn’t an option, I promised myself that I was going to try to make the most of the time I did have with him.

For now, that meant enjoying a nice dinner and whatever conversation followed.

So, staring across the table at the man who’d just given me the best day of my life, I didn’t have to work at all to smile at him. It came naturally, much like it had been throughout the day.

Beaming at him, feeling an overwhelming sense of warmth and contentment moving through me, I confirmed, “I had the best time today, Forrest.”

“I’m glad your first trip here was a good one.”

I tipped my head to the side, my eyes roaming over his face. Though I didn’t doubt he believed I enjoyed myself today, I was certain he didn’t know just how magical it had been for me.

And how could he?

It wasn’t as though I’d told him anything about my life that would have given him any reason to suspect what my time with him was doing for me.

“It wasn’t just a good trip. I could only wish to have what I had today every day for the rest of my life. This was the most fun I think I’ve ever had,” I shared.

Once again, despite knowing it was probably a wise idea to hold back just a little bit, I couldn’t seem to keep my thoughts and feelings restrained. After a day like today, feeling as good as I did, it was impossible not to share.

Forrest let out a laugh, seemingly amused. “I had a great time, too, but I was trying to downplay it a bit. I was worried you might think I was crazy if I told you the full truth.”

Feeling intrigued, I shot him a questioning look, a smile still playing at my lips. “What if I wanted to hear the full truth?”

“Are you sure about that?” he countered. “The last thing I want to do is send you running in the opposite direction.”

If he only knew how impossible that would be. “Well, I mean, I came here to Landing with you in your truck, so I’m not exactly sure I’d be able to run away from you anyway.”

“What about after we get back to Scarlet Valley?”

The thought that this man felt any insecurity when he was as incredible as he was had me baffled. He couldn’t possibly believe there was anything he could tell me that would scare me away, especially not after all the things he’d said to me in the truck when we arrived.

In an opportunity when he could have exploited my vulnerability and used it against me, he found a way to reassure me. Granted, I’d only known him for a handful of days, but there was no question he was unlike any other man I’d ever met. He was even more compassionate and caring than family had been.

Unable to resist the urge to offer him some comfort, I reached across the table, placed my hand on his, and promised, “I’m not going anywhere, Forrest.”

For a moment, he allowed his eyes to drop to my hand. He studied it briefly while I watched. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t quite work out what was happening inside his head. I didn’t think it was because I was touching him, though—we’d held hands frequently throughout the day.

Whatever it was, he never shared. But what he did do was cover my hand with his opposite one, returned his gaze to mine, and revealed, “The truth is, while today has been the very best of it, there hasn’t been a day I’ve spent with you since I met you that hasn’t had me wishing my vacation was longer.”

There were no words to express how good it felt to hear that, to know Forrest genuinely wanted to spend time with me.

“I think that might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me,” I told him.

“I wasn’t sure you’d see it that way,” he returned.

My jaw dropped slightly, my lips parting in shock. “What other way could I possibly see that?”

Forrest shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s been a matter of days since we met, and though we’ve spent a lot of time together since that first encounter, I didn’t want you to think I was coming on too strong and being a creep. Plus, well, there was everything you said in the truck earlier. I didn’t know how telling you I was kind of dreading having to go back to work would be received.”

God, he was such a good and decent man. The whole time I thought I was holding myself back and worrying about the mistake I might have been making, Forrest was doing just as much to keep himself restrained, too.

It warmed my heart to know he wanted more time with me, that he enjoyed my company that much.

“I can’t imagine how it’s possible you could ever think telling me how much you’re dreading going back to work would ever send me running? I mean, if anyone has a reason to run, it’s you.”

