Page 55 of Beginnings

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My relief doesn’t last long when I hear the sound of footsteps crunching behind me. I hold my breath and my heart races. Please just be a deer, please just be a deer. I cautiously turn around to see a man in his mid-twenties. He’s ruggedly handsome, dressed in jeans, hiking boots, and a red t-shirt that fits tight across his chest. As he gets closer, I can see the natural wave of his short brown hair and his vibrant blue eyes. Is there anyone around here who isn’t insanely good looking?

“Hey.” His smile is broad and friendly. “Are you okay? I wasn’t expecting to see anyone out here.”

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as he moves a little closer. “Yes, I’m okay. I’m just a little lost, well, maybe a lot lost.” I don’t know if he’s a werewolf, but Ethan mentioned there are other territories up here, and something tells me he’s not human.

His eyes narrow slightly. “How did you lose your way? Why are you out here alone?”

“Oh, I’m visiting a friend from a nearby area, and I decided to go for a run. I’m kind of bad with direction. I got turned around, and here I am.” It’s not a total lie. Ethan’s face flashes through my mind and the pain returns with a vengeance this time. I double over and scream out in agony.

“Shit!” The man races over, bracing me to keep me from falling to the ground. “What’s wrong? Are you sick?”

“I don’t—ugh.” I can’t even form words due to the intensity of the pain as it hits me again. Tears start to fall and my stomach churns violently.

“Hey, hey…look at me. Don’t be scared when I say this, but I know what’s wrong with you.” He and I lock eyes for what feels like an eternity. “I can help you. I can make this better. Will you trust me to help you?”

What choice do I have right now? I nod and groan in pain as another wave washes over me. The man lifts me into his arms and starts walking. I rest my head on his chest, noticing he smells like amber and citrus. It’s an attractive scent, but it doesn’t consume me like Ethan’s. I can smell Ethan’s scent just by thinking about it, and doing so right now sends another sharp pain to my chest. My breathing is labored, and the pain escalates.

What the hell have I done?

“Hang in there. We’ll be there soon.” I look into his striking face, but images of Ethan dominate my thoughts as the pain ravages my body.


“She’s headed straight for Stone Shadow’s territory.” Stone Shadow is the last place I want her to end up, but at least we still have her scent.

“How are you feeling? Physically?” Nick asks.

“I’ve been fucking better. I feel like throwing up, but I can push through. How much pain do you suppose Olivia is in?”

Nick frowns, shaking his head. “If she left you, but her heart still wants to be with you, I’d guess she’s being royally punished by the universe right now.”

“She doesn’t have the strength I have to overcome it mentally.” I’m sickened at the thought of Olivia in the woods alone and in pain. We continue to follow the trail, but I stop dead in my tracks as the trail come to an end.

“Ethan, what is it?” Chloe asks.

“I’m getting another scent. Male,” Nick says. “Do you recognize it?”

“Son of a bitch!” I growl out. “Fucking Ian!”

“Your cousin Ian?” Nick clarifies.

“Yep. That bastard took her into his territory with him. Their scents are together here.” We continue to walk to the territory line. “Damn it! I’m going after her. He hates my fucking guts, and he’ll use her just to get to me.”

“Oh, my God!” Chloe paces with her hands covering her mouth. “Ethan, she’s already probably in terrible condition! Do you think he’d hurt her?”

“I’m not waiting around to find out.” I start to charge forward into Stone Shadow territory when Nick grabs my arm.

“Hey, wait. You know, even as an Alpha, you can’t go into another territory uninvited. And with Olivia being a human you haven’t fully mated, you’ll have nothing on your side to back you up going over there to retrieve her. You’ll give him ammunition to use against you.”

“What the fuck am I supposed to do then? He’s unpredictable, Nick. I can’t just leave her there. I’m going, and you’re not fucking stopping me.”

“You’ll be detained if you get caught sneaking around over there,” Nick says.

“Then I won’t get caught. Call my dad, tell him what’s going on and have him call my uncle Charles. He’s a reasonable and fair Alpha. He knows the situation between Ian and me. He won’t hold it against me when he finds out what’s going on.”

“Okay.” Nick nods in agreement. “Be careful.”

