Page 111 of Beginnings

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He takes my mouth with his as he removes my dress, and then reaches behind me to release the clasp on my bra, allowing it to fall to the ground. He picks me up and I wrap my arms andlegs around him as he walks us to the bed, laying me down and hovering over me. He possesses my mouth, his tongue tangling with mine before moving to my neck and breasts. He kisses his way down my abdomen and over my lace panties. I writhe under him as his lips tease and his teeth nibble down my legs while slowly removing the delicate lace fabric.

“Do you know you even have the most beautiful feet?” he asks, kissing them gently while I giggle. “You do, so feminine and delicate.” He continues to tease his way back up my legs. “Your skin is so soft. I could spend all day touching your perfect body.” His lips finally land on my arousal, and I cry out, grasping the sheets in my fists as his tongue takes control. I shatter under the sensitivity of my new body, trembling from a climax so intense it can be felt starting in my core and shooting out through my limbs.

He raises to meet my mouth, and during a pause to breathe, I put my hands on his shoulders. “Ethan, wait.” He stops as his eyes meet mine. “I just want to know, will it hurt you?”

He shakes his head. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” he reassures me.

I nod, pulling his mouth to mine again, as my hands explore every definition of his body. He teases my breasts and then suddenly thrusts into me, causing me to gasp in ecstasy. I wrap my limbs around his body as I cling to the building tension, and I succumb to the intense pleasure again. He then flips us over so he’s sitting up against the headboard, and I’m straddling him. I wrap my arms around his neck and gasp as I lower myself onto him. Tightening around him, I kiss him with hunger. I’m overtaken by his intoxicating scent as I’m close to release again. I feel a strange sensation in my mouth, noticing a couple of my teeth feel sharper than usual.

“You’re good, baby. Anytime you’re ready,” Ethan encourages, seemingly knowing what’s happening to me.

I feel the buildup of pleasure and I do what comes naturally in the moment, at first kissing and tasting his savory skin with my tongue. I then allow my bite to penetrate the skin in the curve of his neck while our bodies release together. Ethan wraps his arms around me and holds me down on him, squeezing me tightly, while he emits a low growl followed by rapid, shallow breathing. It only takes a moment before his breathing begins to settle and the tension in his body relaxes.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m better than okay,” he says, kissing me. “I’m all yours.” We smile at each other and I kiss him again. “How does it look? Can you see it?”

I look to see a mark that matches my own starting to form at the base of his neck.

“It looks good,” I say, smiling at him.

We lie tangled in each other, enjoying the warmth of each other’s bodies. “So, marked and mated. Now all I need to do is get you pregnant to be sure you’ll definitely never leave me,” he jokes with a chuckle and sly grin.

I laugh but then pause. “Oh, no. Ethan, I forgot about my birth control. I haven’t taken it the last two days during the transition. We just had sex completely unprotected.

“Don’t worry about it.”


“If it’s okay with you, I’d rather you didn’t go back on birth control. Not that we have to be actively trying, but I don’t see a reason to prevent you from getting pregnant. I want a family with you, and I’d welcome a baby anytime.”

“I feel the same.” I kiss him with happy butterflies in my stomach. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” he replies with a smile.



Caroline has had me in meetings with caterers, florists, decorators, and musicians for the last three days. While I am fully embracing her inclusion, I feel like I’m constantly running in different directions. When I’m not doing that, Chloe has been trying to give me a little pack education while Ethan catches up on work he’s neglected since I came into his life. By the time he and I have a little free time together, I’m exhausted.

“How are you feeling today?” Ethan asks, increasingly concerned about my building fatigue.

“Same,” I say with a yawn. “Do you think this could be because of my transition? Maybe my body is still rebuilding and adjusting?”

“That would probably be my guess,” he says. “I have to go to the pack house for a meeting with the security team before the Luna celebration rehearsal tonight. Maybe you should go upstairs and take a nap.”

“That sounds like a fantastic idea.” I stand to stretch and then link my hands behind his neck.

“I’ll see you in a while, baby,” he says, kissing me before leaving. I’m so wiped out that I fall asleep almost immediately upon crawling into bed, only waking up just as Ethan returns from his meeting.

“I like coming home and seeing you in our bed. Have you been asleep this entire time?” he asks.

“How long have you been gone?” I ask with a stretch.

“Three hours.”

“What? Three hours? Oh, my gosh. I have to get up.”
