Page 10 of Bed of Roses

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“Sounds like you,” I admit before taking a sip.

She raises her eyebrows for a moment and then shrugs. “We all have our quirks. So, what’s in all that stuff?” She points to the shed and the barn.

“The shed is just full of construction stuff, so I’m guessing Cole, or whatever his name is, keeps his equipment in there for easy access. The barn has nothing. It’s completely empty.”

“Probably because a sneeze would tip it over,” she says dryly. “He should really just burn it down.”

“Yeah, you’re right, he should.”

“Have you met Cole yet?”

I shake my head. “I don’t even know when he’s going to show up. What about you? Have you met him?”

She shakes her head. “I know as much about him as you do.”

I nod and return to looking at the roses. She follows my gaze. “Derek’s stepmother used to grow roses. I’m guessing that’s a nod to her.”

“I thought he was bitter about the re-marry?” I ask with a frown.

She shrugs. “Men are weird.”


We’re quiet for a moment, soaking up the night, and then she reaches over and gently pinches my arm. “Come on. Let’s finish the unpacking.”

Chapter 4

Cole Garner

Standingin front of the shed, I stare at the back of the house as I get my toolbelt on. There’s a girly blue Ford Focus out front that I didn’t miss and dutifully blocked in, so I’m mentally preparing myself for some preppy man who wouldn’t have lasted a day in prison. No one in this area drives a car like that. Too many rough roads.

Based on the car alone, this already doesn’t bode well for me, but at least, I’ll get some satisfaction out of pushing around a city guy.

The tool belt was exactly where I left it, which was a good start to my morning. I was sure that this dude would have fucked with my shit, trying to get started without me. But everything is the way I left it since I was last here, so I have no reason to complain.Yet.

Next, I grab the hammer and head inside, bouncing it around in my palm as I wade through the grass. At somepoint, I have to tackle this jungle, and I had planned to sooner rather than later, but now that someone is living here, making the house more livable becomes the priority. Even though I’d rather no one live here, I’m not a complete ass.

As soon as I’m inside the dining room, I stop moving and tilt my head to listen. Somewhere in the house, I hear a dresser drawer shut.A late riser.

I shake my head, gearing myself up for what a disaster this is going to be, as I head to the living room. Just as Derek promised, the dumpster arrived yesterday. I can see its silhouette through the dirty living room window, and since he said I could throw away anything I found, I’m going to start with the shit on the walls. The counters won’t arrive for a while, so I have every intention of taking down this flowery wallpaper in the meantime.

Setting the hammer down on the back of the couch, I gather the old pictures in my arms, head to the door, and use my elbow to unlatch the screen door. The pictures shatter inside the dumpster, and I have to admit it’s a satisfying sound. Next, I heave the deer off the wall. I grit my teeth as I tug, hoping like hell I don’t take part of the wall with it. It finally releases, and I balance it in my arms, but since it’s so large, I can’t see properly.

As I make my way blindly to the door, I hear a sneeze. “Can you grab the door for me?” I ask gruffly.

Tegan doesn’t answer me, but I hear the hinges squeal, so I press on. As soon as I feel the sun on my arms, I toss the deer head into the dumpster. It thumps, not as satisfying as the glass, but it still brings me a little joy. That trophy was ugly as hell.

Placing my hands on my hips, I turn around . . . and then stop dead in my tracks.

Standing in front of me, holding the door open, is a woman. She’s smiling at me, and the smile lights up her blue eyes like the ocean sparkling under an afternoon sun. Her blonde hair is tied back, but a few strands are loose, and they blow in the subtle morning breeze. I can smell the scent of her shampoo from where I stand a few feet from her.

“You must be Cole,” she says almost too chipperly.

I narrow my eyes and scan her. She’s a little thick around the waist, the kind guys like me like. It gives us something to hold on to, especially when we’re plowing in from behind.

Her tank top barely keeps in her large tits, and her shorts hug her wide hips, revealing flawless thighs.

“Are you Tegan’s girl?” I grunt out. Derek never said anything about two tenants.

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