Page 91 of Cruel Kings

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“Have you lost your mind?” I asked coldly.

“You’re the one who’s gone crazy,” Corey replied. “You know better than anyone what kind of a girl Milla is. For fuck’s sake, she was a virgin when we took her. And she’s been quiet so far about everything because she doesn’t want to screw with her mom’s happiness.”

“You’ve always been obsessed with her,” said Caleb in a grave tone. “She’s better than you at everything. Academics, keeping calm in bad situations, and being smart about every aspect of her life. You’re threatened by her because you think Dad likes her more than you. You’re scared he’ll hand off the reins to the company to her. Not you.”

“You did this to destroy her future prospects,” said Corey, fixing me with a glare. “We’re not stupid, Noah. We know why you performed that shit in front of everyone.”

“I did it to protect us,” I spat. “Don’t let your emotions get in the way of what’s important. Dad made her a legal heir to everything. What happens when Milla and her mother take over everything? The two of you don’t realize this yet, but there’s more to life than fucking women and riding on stupid motorcycles.”

“You should try it sometime,” said Corey. “Might get rid of that stick you’ve always got lodged up your butthole.”

Caleb sniggered, sitting down on the edge of the bed to pull on his boots.

“Where are you going?” I asked as Corey threw away his loafers.

“Where do you think?” Caleb questioned back. “Didn’t you see who took Milla away? What if he does something to her? We’re getting her back before he takes advantage of the situation.”

“Luke is dangerous,” I said. “He’s already tried to kill you once. There’s no need to risk yourselves for her. Let him hurt her. Why should we care?”

“You won’t be able to bear it if he touches her,” said Corey. “Neither can we. At least, we can be honest about that."

“We’re not leaving our girl in his hands,” said Caleb.

Our girl. I hated the way they said it. Possessiveness dripped from their voices every time they mentioned her.

“So, you’re just going to barge into Beckett Manor and drag her out?” I asked in a scathing tone.

“That’s the plan,” said Caleb, throwing a helmet at Corey.

“You’d betray me for her?”

“How’s this betrayal?” Caleb asked in a grim tone. “You did what you wanted. I think you’re the one who’s a sneaky bastard. You never told us you’d pull a Carrie on Milla.”

“She deserves it.”

“No, she doesn’t,” said Corey decisively. “Stop fucking with her. She’s our dad’s legal daughter now. She owns a share of everything he has. That’s a fact. No amount of hazing and abusing her would change that fact. Learn to deal with it instead of acting like a brat.”

“Corey’s right,” said Caleb. “Do you think this will stay under wraps? People will talk. Sooner or later, Dadwillknow. He’s going to get pissed. You know why? Because you did a stupid, immature thing.”

“You didn’t make a fool of Milla tonight, dear brother,” said Corey in a grave tone. “You made a fool of Brian Amhurst. His eldest son couldn’t handle having a stepmother and lashed out at his stepsister. That’s what they’d say. I hope you like it when the price of our shares falls tomorrow.”

My eyes widened a fraction. Corey’s words were like a sharp slap to my face.

My only intention had been to destroy Milla’s reputation. I was so focused on hurting her, I hadn’t considered the consequences on our company.

Fuck, I cursed internally.I’d messed up big time.

“Like it or not, Milla’s become a part of this family,” said Caleb. “She’s no longer the lone kid in the front row of your classroom. You can’t bully her publicly without being affected too. What you did tonight will impact your reputation too.”

“You gave proof of your immaturity tonight,” said Corey. “People will remember that too.”

Caleb clapped a hand on my shoulder and walked past me. Corey strode after him, leaving me alone in the room.

A heavy breath exhaled out of me.

I was the one who’d let my emotions get the best of me. My brothers were right. Tonight’s act would impact me in the worst ways too.

“Fuck!” I bellowed, kicking the legs of a couch.

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