Page 87 of Cruel Kings

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“Oh no. Are you okay, honey?”

“Yeah. Don’t worry about it,” I said bracingly. “Why were you looking for me? Is everything okay with you? Are you feeling ill?”

She shook her head and smiled. “I’ve never felt better. Brian wants to make an announcement and he wants the whole family present.” Her gaze moved away from my face for a moment. “Corey and Caleb are moving toward the stage. Come on, now. Let’s go.”

I let her grab my hand and lead me toward the stage.

Brian looked relieved when he saw me with Mom. He gave a nod toward Noah.

Taking the cue, Noah walked down the stage and went to stand with his brothers.

Brian stepped up to the standing mic on the stage. “My dear guests,” he announced, his voice booming around the hall. “Thank you for joining me in celebrating my family.”

Claps erupted all around us.

“Eva, love, come up,” he said, extending his hand toward her. His handsome face was lit up with such an intense emotion, the women in the crowd sighed audibly.

I clapped with everyone as Mom stepped up on the stage to join her husband. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I’d never cried from happiness before. If there was no one around, I’d have probably bawled like a baby.

“I’m blessed to have Eva in my life,” Brian announced proudly. “She’s the love of my life and I finally get to call her my wife.” Pulling her close, he captured her lips.

Mom’s face was bright pink despite the makeup on her face. I giggled, enjoying the happiness and shyness on her pretty face.

“I’m stealing her away tonight,” said Brian, gazing down at me directly. “I’m kidnapping your Mom and taking her away to Switzerland for our honeymoon.”

My lips fell apart. Mom always wanted to go to Switzerland for a visit but of course, could never afford the trip.

I felt my eyes pricking with tears again. Brian was the most thoughtful man on the planet! No one could love anyone the way he loved my mom.

The crowd cheered and clapped again.

Brian stole a kiss from her and wrapped his arm around her waist, leading her down from the stage. “Enjoy everyone,” he shouted and waved.

Brian and Mom hurried out of the hall as people shouted their congratulations. I tried to go after them but the crowd proved to be an obstacle.

By the time, I was able to get out of the hall, Mom and Brian had disappeared. Seeing a familiar maid walking by, I stopped her.

“Where’s Brian?” I asked.

“He and your mother left a few minutes ago,” said the middle-aged woman in the neat black uniform. “You just missed them.”


“The master planned this ahead,” she said with a soft smile. “Mrs. Amhurst received a shock and a surprise tonight.”

“I know,” I breathed.

She gave a nod and hurried away.

Taking a deep breath, I walked back inside the reception hall. The crowd was spread around the stage, looking up at the new speakers.

Noah stood in the center, gazing at the people before him with an imposing air. Caleb and Corey flanked his sides, staying a few feet behind him.

For a moment, Noah’s gaze met mine. Even through the distance between us, I noticed a familiar cruel smirk lifting the corner of his luscious lips.

“There’s my sister,” he announced to the crowd. “Dad forgot to mention he inherited a whore of a daughter when he married his bride. Please, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome our dear sister, Camilla Brown Amhurst!”

I froze.

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