Page 85 of Cruel Kings

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Breathing hard, Corey pulled out of me and threw himself beside me.

“She looks fucking beautiful like this,” Caleb’s voice whispered from my other side. “Her lips are swollen and her eyes are gleaming with secrets.”

A rough chuckle escaped Corey. “I never knew sex made you poetic, Cal. But yeah, she feels incredible.”

“Her pussy is delicious.” There was a hint of pure appreciation in Caleb’s voice. I turned to the side to glance at him.

“Do you have to make everything embarrassing?” I asked.

“Embarrassing?” he said with an easy grin. “I’m complimenting you, princess.”

My cheeks felt hot and it became too much to stare at him.

“Here, have some champagne,” said Corey, handing me a flute.

“Thanks,” I said gratefully. The chilled, fizzy wine was exactly what I needed. Closing my eyes, I relaxed. This little world of ours seemed cut off from the loud party happening outside.

Strangely, I liked that Corey and Caleb were choosing to be here with me instead of being outside and dancing with all the beautiful women who’d come to the party. Unknowingly, I’d become a little possessive of them too.



My boneless body was sprawled on the couch, my nakedness covered with my gown thrown over me. Corey and Caleb stuffed themselves with appetizers they’d smuggled from the banquet room and drank more champagne.

The darkened interiors behind the tapestry felt like a different world. It was warm and cozy, making me snuggle up against the couch. The party happening outside was nice but I preferred staying here.

Corey and Caleb muttered in low voices but I was so relaxed, I didn’t even care to listen to them. Just as my eyes were beginning to close, the stiff sound of rustling fabric jerked me out of my doze.

I bolted, sitting straight, clutching my dress to my chest. My heart pounded heavily and it took me a few seconds to see who’d infiltrated our little bubble.

“Relax, babe,” said Caleb. “It’s Noah.”

Noah towered over us, his sharp gaze taking in the scene.

“I was gone for half an hour and this is what you guys get up to,” he said, his face a mask of annoyance.

“I don’t want to be a part of what you’re doing,” Corey said in a grave tone. “Caleb doesn’t think it’s right either.”

“It’s already done,” said Noah. “I never stopped you two from doing what you wanted, so stop poking your nose in my business.”

“What are you guys talking about?” I asked, realizing how the atmosphere changed. They were clearly arguing over something. For the first time, I wasn’t the focus of their anger and resentment.

“Get her dressed and come out,” Noah said in an authoritative.

“Stop bossing us around,” Corey muttered.

“They’re about to make an announcement,” Noah said in a grim tone. “You idiots know nothing. Dad’s already looking for you two and her mother’s probably searching for her. Get out there before they come looking in here.”

“Fuck,” Caleb mumbled. “I was just settling in.”

Noah’s eyebrows rose high on his forehead. “Get moving.”

With that, he stalked out of the enclosed space.

“He needs to get that stick out of his butt,” Corey mumbled. Getting to his feet, he stretched his arms out. “Come on, princess. It’s time to go back.”

I didn’t want to get up but the threat of being found here with them was too much for me to ignore. Slowly getting to my feet, I stepped into the dress and let Caleb zip me up.

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