Page 81 of Cruel Kings

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“Mind if I cut in?” A familiar voice spoke up beside me.

Halting in my steps, I looked up at Corey. He looked heart-achingly handsome in his dark suit. Locks of dark hair fell into his emerald eyes, giving him a sexy bad-boy look.

His gaze bore into mine. My heart beat harder as his luscious lips curved into a mischievous grin.

“You want to dance with Luke?” I asked.

He barked a laugh, grabbed my hand, and pulled me out of Luke’s arms.

“Hey!” I gasped.

“Don’t get cheeky, princess,” he said in a low voice laced with warning. Glancing at Luke, he added, “Get the fuck out of my house.”


“I don’t want him here.”

“He came in his dad’s place,” I said, angry at the way he was treating Luke. “Don’t be rude to your father’s guest.”

He scoffed, glowering at me. “Aren’t you a dutiful daughter?”

“Luke is my friend,” I said, injecting steel in my voice. “I want him here.” Turning toward Luke, I added, “I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for, Milla,” Luke said with a mellow smile. “I know when to leave.”

Corey tightened his hold on my wrist, dragging me away from Luke. I wanted to kick and fight, but doing so would attract everyone’s attention toward us. As always, I was trapped by him and forced to obey his every whim.

“I’ll tell Brian if you’re rude to Wyatt and Julie,” I threatened as he pulled me toward the raised stage where the band was playing.


“You know who!”

He glanced at me. “Frankly, darling, I don’t.”

“They’re my best friends.”

He came to a halt and let out a long breath. “Best friends? What are you? Five? Who has best friends at this age?”

“Assholes like you will never have friends.”

The look in his eyes intensified. “Do you talk to Noah in that tone?”

I looked away at once. Noah scared me the most. He wasn’t as talkative or expressive like Corey and Caleb. I rarely knew what he was thinking or what he was going to do to me.

“And there’s the answer,” Corey said with a chuckle. “Come on, sugar. Be a good girl and dance with me.”

“Will you be nice?”

He placed a hand on his chest. “For you, always.”

A snicker escaped me. Corey could be funny when he wanted to. Out of all the three brothers, he was the kindest to me.

I let him lead me into a dance. As the music turned faster, his moves got wilder. I danced carefully and had to duck a few times to avoid his giant fist coming at my face.

People around us weren’t so lucky though. A few people got kicked and punched by him. After the first song, everyone made sure to stay far away from us.

By the end of the third song, I was laughing at his antics.

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