Page 74 of Cruel Kings

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“I hope you come again,” said Alisha, helping me with the zipper. “You’re such a wonderful client and your boyfriends are seriously hot.”

“They’re not my boyfriends.”

“Right, keep telling yourself that.” She winked at me and carefully hung the dress.

Noah, Caleb, and Corey as my boyfriends? The thought was strange but oddly, I didn’t see the problem. They’d all fucked me and nothing was a secret between the four of us.

The Amhurst brothers owned me. That was a fact I was slowly coming to accept.

As long as my mom was with their dad, they’d dominate my life. Someday soon, they’d get bored of me and move on to other girls. It was better to harden my heart right from the start.

The four of us would never be in any real relationship. They were bullies. Even if my body lusted after them, I’d never let them capture my heart.

I walked out of the changing room in my jeans, hoodie, and sneakers, feeling like I was back in my skin.

Corey grabbed my hand and dragged me down the aisles until we reached the exit doors.

“Where’s Caleb and Noah?” I asked.

“They’re getting the car.”

A cool breeze blew the strands of my messy hair in my face. I was about to bat them away but Corey came closer, gently tucking the stray locks behind my ear.

“You have red in your hair,” he said, caressing my dark auburn strands.

“It’s only noticeable in the sun.”

“I like it this way,” he said, meeting my gaze. “Don’t you dare dye your hair.”

“I’m not your doll! I can do whatever the hell I want.”

He chuckled darkly and leaned down to peck a kiss on my lips. “That’s exactly what you are to us. We love playing with you. Just dare taking away what we like, Sugar. We’ll make sure you regret it.” His arm circled my waist, pulling me against him.

I bit my lips to stop the moan threatening to break free. Fear and desire collided inside me, heightening my arousal.

He pressed his rock-hard body against my soft curves, skimming the tip of his nose along the column of my throat.

“Corey,” I moaned, desperately wanting his lips to touch the sensitive skin.

His chuckles sounded close to my ear. Next moment, a sharp sting flared up on the pit of my neck. He’d sunk his teeth there.

His tongue swept over the spot, soothing the bite.

“There,” he said, stepping away. A satisfied look came over him. “Perfect.”

I looked down and found a small bruise appearing there. “Why did you do that?” I shouted, punching his chest.

He laughed, absolutely unbothered by my small fists pummeling his chest.

“Everyone’s going to see it tomorrow,” I said angrily while Corey grinned happily. “What if Mom asks who did it? What will I tell her?”

“You’re worried about what your mom will think?” He looked at me with a strange look.

“That’s the only thing that matters to me,” I said gravely. “Why do you think you and your brothers are still roaming freely after what you did to me? If I went to the cops, you’d all be locked up with assault charges. I don’t want anything to hurt my mom. That’s the only reason I’m staying quiet.”

“Milla.” He met my angry glare with a somber gaze. “Don’t use that threat on Caleb or Noah. They won’t let you go unpunished.” He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.

His gentle touch surprised me.

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