Page 6 of Cruel Kings

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A sliver of warmth wrapped around my chest.

Fuck, she was empathetic too. Milla correctly guessed the things worrying me when I didn’t even say a word.

“Thank you,” I said gratefully.

A warm smile came on her lips. “Corey will be fine,” she said and promptly jumped down from the van to follow the paramedics who were wheeling my brother toward the hospital’s entrance.

I wasn’t used to receiving help from strangers without knowing what their real agenda was. Being the heir to a multinational business, I always had to be careful about the people who approached me.

Milla Brown isn’t a stranger, a voice whispered in my mind as I walked toward the reception desk of the starkly lit hospital hall.You’ve watched her constantly for four years. You know more about her than she knows about herself.

A grin lifted the corners of my lips.

I finally had the opportunity to know more about her. The only risk was me getting even more obsessed with her.



Noah, Caleb, and I stood around the cot where Corey was lying. Two hours had passed since we brought him here. He was finally conscious and grinning cheekily at his brothers.

“Stop worrying us like that, asshole,” Caleb shouted, slapping his twin hard on the back.

“Oww!” Corey cried out, cringing away from his angry brother.

“Don’t hit him, Caleb,” said Noah. “The doctor said he’s suffering from a mild concussion.” The command in his voice was enough to make Caleb stop, but he continued to glare at Corey.

Corey’s grin faltered as Noah turned his intense gaze on him.

“What happened?” Noah asked in a grim tone. “Did something go wrong with the bike?”

A grim expression came over Corey’s handsome face. His gaze shifted toward me before settling on Noah.

“There was something wrong with the brake and clutch,” Corey explained. “No matter what I did, the bike wouldn’t slow down or stop. I was lucky to be driving that late at night with no one around or I could’ve killed someone.”

Corey suddenly squeezed his eyes shut and grabbed the side of his head, looking like he was in terrible pain. Even though the doctor said he suffered a mild concussion, the effects would continue to affect him for at least a week.

“A cat came in front of my bike,” Corey continued after a while. His fingers raked through the thick waves of his dark hair. “I tried to avoid it and swerved. Ended up hitting a tree by the sidewalk and crashed.”

“Thank fuck,” Noah muttered. “I’m glad you didn’t kill anyone on the street.” His gaze shifted toward me for a moment.

Corey gave a grim nod.

I knew what they were thinking. They were glad he didn’t end up crashing into me.

“You got your brakes changed at Bobby’s garage,” said Caleb, staring at his twin closely. I looked toward him, awe-struck with how closely he resembled Corey.

“But that was a few days ago,” said Corey with a confused look. “I’d have known if something was wrong by now.”

Caleb shook his head. “New brakes don’t stop working out of the blue. There’s a rat in Bobby’s garage that’s done this. Whoever did this is clever. They wanted you to feel at ease before messing around.”

“Caleb.” Noah’s voice was low but it held an edge of warning to it.

My eyes shamelessly watched the bob in Caleb’s throat as he swallowed hard, doing his best to control his anger.

“Chill, bro,” said Corey, hitting Caleb in the stomach with a pillow. “I’m alive.” He thrust his chest out and patted it like a gorilla.

Caleb took the pillow and threw it over his twin’s face, forcing him down on the bed and smothering him with it.

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