Page 50 of Cruel Kings

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“Eat,” said Caleb, putting one of the gigantic sandwiches before Milla.

“I don’t want it,” Milla said immediately.

“You didn’t eat anything this morning,” said Caleb. “We don’t want you fainting from over-exertion.” A sly grin came over his handsome face. “Get some energy, hon. You’re going to need it.”

“I’m not hungry.” Milla’s luscious lips formed an adorable pout that made me want to take a bite.

“Why are you guys forcing her to eat?” Luke finally spoke up.

“We’re worried,” I said. “We’re family after all.”

Luke’s concrete-gray eyes widened a fraction. “What?” He glanced at Milla. “I didn’t realize you were related to them.”

“I’m not.”

“That’s hurtful,” I said, pretending to look sad. “You shouldn’t say such a thing to your brothers.”

“She’s your sister?” Luke asked, gazing between me and Caleb.

“Stepsister,” Milla said through clenched teeth. “My mom married their dad last week. That’s it. Their relationship shouldn’t matter to us. We’re all adults. At least, I am. An independent one.”

Venom dripped from her voice. She glared at us, believing her little speech was going to make any difference.

Picking up the sandwich, she threw it at Caleb. “I don’t want anything from you guys. Just leave already.”

Caleb’s gaze darkened.

Milla needed to be very careful right now. My brother was easy going but when he got mad, he did very bad things. As far as I knew him, he was more than eager to do naughty things to her.

He picked the sandwich that fell on his lap and pushed it across the table.

“Eat the damn thing or—” Holding his cellphone, he brandished it in her face. “Have you forgotten what we’ve got here?”

All the color drained from her face. She looked at me helplessly, but there was nothing I could do. Caleb tried being nice to her. It was her fault for throwing it back in his face.

Her lips trembled. Her thick, dark lashes blinked furiously as she struggled to hold back her tears.

She grabbed the sub, tore into the wrapper, and took big, hasty bites of the sandwich. Her blue eyes shone with tears and she nearly choked on the mouthful but she kept eating.

I almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

She should’ve just done as she was told in the first place. Why did she have to be stubborn about eating a fucking sandwich?

Caleb watched her with a smug, satisfied smile.

I grabbed my sub and took a big bite of the meat-filled sandwich. It was delicious. After a few bites, I glanced at Milla. She was eating it like we were making her eat a piece of cactus.

“What are you guys up to?” I asked, pretending to be casual. “Do you usually hang out?”

Milla silently shook her head and avoided looking at us.

“One of our lecturers paired us for an assignment,” Luke supplied with an enthusiastic grin. “This is actually the first time we’ve talked to each other.” He turned away from us and grinned at Milla. “I’m so glad we finally met. You’re smart. If it were my friends, it would have taken ages to simply explain the work to them.”

Milla forced a pathetic smile for him and continued to eat the sandwich like her life depended on it.

“Hey, it’s nearly time for Davidson’s class,” Luke spoke up, shoving his laptop inside his backpack. “Let’s get going.”

Milla stared at him and swallowed thickly.

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