Page 44 of Cruel Kings

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Taking my phone, I used an app to book a cab and started walking down the path leading toward the main highway.

By the time I reached the intersection, fifteen minutes had passed. The cab was already there, waiting for me.

Climbing in, I let out a long breath. Relief surged through me, soothing the helplessness I’d been feeling since waking up. I told the driver to take me to Silverlake’s campus and settled back in my seat.

It took almost an hour to reach the university campus but the familiar sight made me feel better at once. Paying the man, I climbed out of the car and walked toward Jerry’s Café, one of the most popular hangout places.

I also worked as a part-time barista there. However, this morning, I was going in as a customer.

I’d just stepped through the glass doors of the café when someone called my name.

“Over here, Camilla,” said the unfamiliar voice.

Following the sound, I looked ahead, meeting the gaze of a familiar face. I didn’t know the guy’s name but knew him from some of the classes I shared with him.

“Yeah?” I said, wondering what he wanted. “How can I help you?”

The young man strode toward me with a smile on his handsome face. His sunshine blond hair was neatly combed to the side and his pale gray eyes were framed with big glasses.

As he came closer, I realized he was tall. A heavy backpack was slung around his shoulders, making him look nerdy as hell.

“Hey,” he said, still smiling. “I’m so glad I got to meet you. It’s been so hard to get a hold of you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Haven’t you checked your emails lately?”

I felt struck by the question. He was right. I hadn’t glanced much at my phone since the day before yesterday.

“I guessed right, huh?” he asked, staring at me closely.

“I’m sorry,” I said, hoping I hadn’t missed something important. “I was going through something personal. Is there something I can help you with?”

“Dr. Cooper gave out the list of partners who’d be working on the statistical analysis assignment,” he explained. “She partnered us for it.”


“I’m Luke, by the way,” he said, extending his hand toward me.

“I’m Camilla,” I said, realizing a second later that he already knew my name. Cringing internally, I took his hand and shook it. “Please, call me Milla,” I added.

He gave a nod and grinned. “Do you mind if we talked before Davidson’s class?”

I took a deep breath. Talking to Luke was distracting me from drowning in yesterday’s awful memories. I gave a nod. “Sure,” I said, agreeing to talk.

“Grab a table and I’ll get us some coffee,” he said. “Any special requests?”

“A caramel latte, please,” I said, taking out my tiny purse that easily fit into my dress’s pocket.

“It’s my treat,” said Luke. “You make coffee for me and my friends all the time.”

Surprise flickered through me. He’d noticed me working at the café before.

Before I could say anything, he walked toward the counter to order our drinks.

I grabbed a table at the far deserted corner of the restaurant. It was quiet and if we got loud, no one would be disturbed.

Being in the familiar surroundings of the café and talking about classes was starting to make me feel better. This was the place I belonged in, not in Brian’s lavish mansion. I loved and respected Brian but I had no place in his world.

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