Page 33 of Cruel Kings

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Brian extended his left arm toward me. I held onto him and let him lead us forward.

“This is Camilla,” said Brian with a proud look on his face. “But she prefers to be called Milla by her close friends. She’s Eva’s daughter. I hope you’ll treat her like your own sister.”

Memories of last night flashed through my mind.

There was no way I could think of them as mybrothers, not after the way my body heated up at their touch and left my insides throbbing with need.

Warmth flooded my cheeks as I looked up at Noah.

To my surprise, a neutral expression was set on his face. Glancing at Corey and Caleb, I found them looking at me the same way. There was no reaction at all.

“This is Noah,” said Brian. “My eldest son. They’re all triplets but Corey and Caleb ended up being twins as well. We had such a hard time telling them apart when they were babies.” He chuckled at his little joke, unaware of the frigid waves emanating from his sons.

“They’re all so handsome!” Mom gushed, smiling brightly.

“Thank you, ma’am,” Noah muttered with a blank expression.

“Oh, please! Call me Eva.”

They nodded politely but I didn’t like the cold look in their eyes. What were they thinking? How could they not be surprised by this revelation?

“Are you guys hungry?” Brian asked. “Brunch is ready. We can dig in whenever you say the word.”

“I’m starving,” said Mom. “Been up since five this morning. I was that excited to meet the kids today.”

Brian chuckled and wound his arm around her slim waist. “Come on, then.”

Noah, Caleb, and Corey walked past me without a word. They were acting like they didn’t know me at all!

I followed them down another hallway until we reached a beautiful room filled with paintings of fruit and flowers. A long table was set up with a myriad of drinks, plates of exquisite dishes, and small vases filled with yellow roses.

Brian was busy helping Mom into a chair. Noah, Corey, and Caleb took their places on the longer side of the table. None of them spoke a word but simply watched their father fuss over my mom.

“Grab a seat, honey,” Mom called out to me, patting the chair next to her.

I sat down and looked all around me.

Brian and Mom seemed lost in their happy bubble, unaware of the way Noah, Corey, and Caleb were staring at them. Even though they didn’t speak a single word, I could see the rage and hatred in their eyes.

Two valets moved around the table, offering us more food and filling our glasses with juice or cocktails. Other than Mom and Brian, we all stayed quiet.

I glanced at the Amhurst brothers from time to time. Their expressions told me what they thought of me and Mom. They hated having us in their home.

Pain flashed through me. They’d been so nice to me the past couple of days. The sudden change in their behavior toward me was like a whiplash. How could they act like they didn’t know me at all?

Maybe, they’re embarrassed, I guessed, thinking about the way I’d kissedallof them.

I wished I could talk to them, tell them that we didn’t have to feel guilty about what happened at the party last night. We weren’t related by blood. Also, it was a one-time thing. In the future, we’d make sure not to cross the line.

The thought disappointed me. Even though I wasn’t the kind of girl who dated three guys at the same time, the idea didn’t seem so bad when I thought of myself being with them. Last night, I was even ready to give it a try.

I toyed with a few raspberries on my plate, not feeling hungry at all.

“Are you bored already?” Brian’s voice jerked me out of my thoughts.

I smiled at him and shook my head. “I’m not that hungry.”

“Why don’t you guys show her around the house?” Brian suggested, looking over at his sons. “Get to know each other.” He turned his attention back to me. “I’ve got your room ready. Your mom and I did all the shopping. Hope you like it.”

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