Page 26 of Cruel Kings

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“Is everything okay?” Milla asked in a worried tone.

“I’m sorry,” I said, meaning it. “My brothers and I need to go home right away, but I don’t want to leave you alone here. How about I drop you home?”

“That’s okay,” she said with a soft smile. “Don’t worry about me. My friends will drop me home.”

I stared at her, wondering if she was for real. Any other girl would have stirred up a tantrum if we ditched her after inviting her to a party.

“Thanks,” I said, pressing my lips to hers. “We’ll pick up where we left.”

Her gaze dropped to her feet. I knew she wasn’t the kind of girl to hit it off with three guys at the same time. Her confusion and shock were understandable.

We have time, I decided, walking away from her to find my brothers. We’d all make sure she felt comfortable with us.

Leaving her side, I walked out of the kitchen and went outside.

After strolling the backyard for a few minutes, I found Caleb and Corey fooling around with a group of guys and girls playing beer pong.

They glanced at me, raising their eyebrows at the grim expression on my face. Moving away from the crowd, they sauntered over to me.

“Why do you look like someone gave you blue balls? said Corey with a laugh. “Did Milla knee you in the nuts or something?”

Caleb laughed. “She loved it with us,” he said with a smug face. “This is the reason I tell you to mingle with girls more often. Without practice, you’ll fail with the one you want to impress.”

“Are you both done messing around?” I asked in a grim tone. “Dad got married.”

Their grins slowly dimmed as they stared at me with slack expressions.

“Say that again?” said Corey.

“Dad’s married to a fucking woman,” I shouted. “Come on! He’s asked us to come home.”

I walked away, not in the mood to answer any of their stupid questions. Dad didn’t give me any info on the woman he’d randomly decided to marry.

“Who the hell is the old geezer marrying?” Caleb shouted.

I kept walking, heading out of the Elite House to get to my car that was parked on the street outside.

“Is she hot?” Corey called from behind me.

“Maybe it’s time we fulfilled our MILF fantasies,” said Caleb with a chuckle.

My brothers were being idiotic again. They thought it was funny Dad got married. None of them had any idea what it could mean for the three of us.

A legally married woman would have a greater claim over our dad’s properties and businesses than any of us. No matter how much I hated our father, I still wanted to protect him from a shrew who married him to grab his assets.

I’ve got to know about this woman he’s bringing into the family, I decided, climbing into the front seat of my Mercedes.

“We could’ve followed you on my bike,” said Caleb as he and Corey got into the backseat.

“Corey’s still not fully healed,” I said. “I don’t want him falling off.”

“I had a mild concussion,” Corey protested at once. “It’s not so bad that I’d fall off a bike.”

Ignoring him, I stepped on the gas, speeding toward our home.

Dad was away most of the time managing his businesses that were spread across the country. We didn’t mind as we hated his sagely lectures about the way we lived our lives.

Dad never treated our mom with respect. He made her cry until the day she died and the three of us never forgot nor forgave him for that.

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