Page 24 of Cruel Kings

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“You know...being with two guys at the same time. Cheating...”

“Hahahahaha...” Corey and Caleb laughed. What I said seemed so funny to them, they were hanging onto each other for support.

“This isn’t cheating,” said Corey, grinning broadly.

“It’s not cheating when we’re both involved,” said Caleb, still chuckling. “It’s called sharing. We do it all the time. Girls love it.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Admit it. You liked it. We know you did.”

Even though what he said was true, I couldn’t bring myself to admit it.

“You guys said this was a party,” I said, desperately hoping to distract them. “At least, get me a drink.”

Caleb and Corey grinned. They each grabbed a wrist and pulled me down the arch bridge and toward the house.

We entered through a backdoor leading into a vast, well-equipped modern kitchen. The place was so huge it looked empty even though a group of a dozen kids was sitting in a corner, drinking beer and watching their friend playing guitar.

Caleb grabbed a beer from a cooler and handed it to me.

“Thanks,” I said, breaking into the can.

Taking a sip, I glanced at the crowd enjoying the music.

Among them, I spotted Noah. Dressed in casual jeans and a plaid sweatshirt, he almost mingled with the others, but as soon as he turned his silvery eyes on me, I became his captive.

Keeping his gaze on me, Noah walked toward me.

“I’m glad you came alone,” he said as soon as he reached me.

I chuckled. “Wyatt’s here with his girlfriend,” I said and took a large swig of the cold brew. “I hope you don’t mind an extra guest.”

Noah’s expression cleared as soon as I made it clear Wyatt and I were just friends. Warmth shot through me at the same time. Could Noah like me enough to be bothered with another guy hanging out with me?

Buried in my thoughts, I let him lead me toward the gigantic, closet-sized fridge.

“Anyone give you a hard time?” he asked, looking at me closely.

I shook my head. “I was with Corey and Caleb until now.” Glancing around, I realized the twins had disappeared.

When I looked back at Noah, I found him standing close to me, so close I could see the dark rings in his glass-colored eyes. Our breaths mingled together and suddenly, my heart was racing once again.

I took a step back before I could make another mistake.

My back hit the fridge.

Noah’s arms came up beside me, caging me between his chest and the fridge.


He leaned in, capturing my lips in a searing kiss.

Fire flowed in my veins and a familiar throbbing erupted deep in my belly. Noah’s masculine scent enveloped me, making me forget about everything.

My fingers crushed the half-full beer can. It was the only thing I could do to keep control over myself and not take things further.

Noah leaned away, looking at me closely. “What’s wrong?” he asked in a deep voice. “Am I that disgusting?”

“What?” I blurted, shocked. “Of course, not! You’re delicious.” I groaned, feeling stupid at blurting whatever came to mind.

Noah chuckled as my cheeks flamed.

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