Page 22 of Cruel Kings

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I hesitated, wondering if I should go near them.

I looked painfullyplaincompared to the rest of the girls here. Even my hair was the shade of dark auburn I was born with.

Juggling a job and keeping up with assignments and projects took all my time and effort. There was neither time nor money to spend on things like stylish clothes and makeup.

I hated asking Mom for anything because she was struggling to make ends meet. Sometimes, I wished she’d let her pride go and let Brian help her.

I was suddenly glad she’d accepted his proposal. Mom needed someone to look after her while I battled to finish college and get a proper job.

I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn’t realize the two men approaching me. Corey and Caleb suddenly stood before me, looking down at me with identical grins, their emerald eyes shining with excitement.

“You’re finally here,” said Caleb, pulling me into a hug.

Surprised, I let him bring me against his chest. His scent enveloped me at once and I nearly moaned at the feel of his hard muscles pressing against my soft curves.

Focus, I told myself, trying to get a grip over my excitement. Yes, Caleb and Corey were among the hottest guys on Silverlake U’s campus but that was no reason to lose my mind!

“Come here,” said Corey.

He easily extracted me from his brother’s hold and brought me against him. Even though the two looked identical, they smelled different. I inhaled deeply, memorizing his scent.

“Who’s this?” asked a sweet, girlish voice.

I couldn’t even turn around to see who spoke. Corey held me tightly against him, refusing to let me go just yet.

“Go away, Heather,” I heard Caleb’s bored voice. “We’re not interested tonight.”

“Since, when were you guys into stockings and granny panties?” the girl retorted in a scathing tone.

Embarrassment washed over me. How could she besoright about what panties I was wearing?

“Don’t listen to her,” Corey whispered in my ear while his hand caressed my hair. “We judge by what’sinsidethe panties.”

I buried my head in his chest.

Soft chuckles rumbled out of him, making me feel slightly better. They weren’t too bad, after all.

“Come on,” said Caleb, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of Corey’s hold.

“Hey! I wasn’t done!” Corey protested as Caleb dragged me to his side.

“You can cop a feel later,” said Caleb. “Let’s get out of here first.”

I was torn between laughter and nervousness. Were they joking or serious?

They led me away from the crowded area and took me to a different section of the grounds. There was no one here, allowing me to take in the landscaped pond that was lit up with soft, soothing lights.

I couldn’t believe how huge the Elite House was. The rest of the frat and sorority residential buildings couldn’t even compare to the luxury and extravagance of this place.

“Is that a koi pond?” I asked, looking toward the softly lit pool.

“Yeah,” said Corey. “Want a look?”

I gave a nod.

We walked toward the arch bridge built over the pond. Reaching the top, I looked down and spotted several golden and red-striped koi, swimming in the water, their scales flashing in the soft lights installed under the pond.

“They’re so beautiful,” I whispered, completely enchanted by the fishes.

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