Page 2 of Cruel Kings

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Gasping and panting, I kneeled beside him. My fingers fumbled with the latch of his helmet and finally managed to lift it off his head.

“Oh,” I breathed, staring down at the young man.

The streetlight overhead illuminated a familiar face. He was a senior student like me but far more popular than me.

Leaning close, I took in the locks of thick dark hair that framed his chiseled, handsome face. The helmet protected him well, keeping his skin uninjured and unblemished. There was no sign of bleeding anywhere.

As soon as I realized he was okay, my gaze shifted to his luscious lips. My tongue darted out, wetting my bottom lip.

“Shit!” I cursed, feeling the effect he was having on me despite being unconscious.

Tearing my gaze away from Corey Amhurst’s face, I dug into my pocket to get my phone out. Truthfully, I had no idea whether it was Corey or Caleb Amhurst. They were identical twins and part of The Elites, an exclusive fraternity house on campus.

“Hello, 911?” I said as soon as my phone connected me. In halting, gasping breaths, I explained the accident I witnessed moments ago.

A male operator asked me quick, short questions, helping me give out all the relevant information so they could locate us on campus. He assured me that help would arrive soon and not to panic.

Relief spread through me as I switched off the call.

Inching closer to Corey (I decided to call him that until I could be sure), I lifted his head on my lap. This guy was nearly untouchable. He and his brothers were among the most popular seniors on campus. Even a fly had better chances to get near him than me.

Corey’s face was a mask of indifference and arrogance every time I saw him with his brothers. They looked like Greek gods, proud and powerful, born to rule everyone around them.

Their popularity was double-edged though.

They ruled the Elites, and in general, the whole student body. The three Amhurst brothers scared and awed everyone around them in equal measure.

Right now though, Corey’s handsome face was devoid of all haughtiness. His features were screwed up in pain, making him look terribly vulnerable and human.

I watched his dark lashes flutter momentarily. His green eyes stared into mine, capturing my attention fully. With slow movements, he raised his hand and grabbed a dark strand of my hair.

“Ouch!” I gasped when he tugged hard.

A soft chuckle escaped him. “An angel wouldn’t say ‘ouch’,” he said in a low, pained voice. Loosening his hold on my hair, he added. “You’re real, aren’t you?”

“Of course, I’m real,” I said, feeling amused at his question. “You just had a bad accident with your bike. I’ve called for help. They’ll be here any minute now. Just hold on a little longer.”

A groan escaped him as he tried to sit up.

“Don’t!” I cried out. Willing myself to calm down, I added in a more restrained tone. “I think you’re injured.” There were no visible injuries on his body but there was a chance of internal damage like fractures and broken bones.

He fell back, his head hitting my lap.

I was about to comfort him when a deafening blast erupted around us. My body bent over Corey in an unconscious effort to protect him as bits and pieces of metal and burning plastic rained over us.

My heart pounded against my ribs as I risked a glance at Corey’s bike. The fallen vehicle was reduced to a mass of flames and thick, black fumes now.

“Fuck,” Corey muttered weakly. He grabbed my wrist in a surprisingly strong grip. “Call my brothers,” he said, staring up at me with wide eyes. “Call Caleb and Noah right now.”

So, I guessed right, I mused.He’s Corey.


“I don’t have their numbers,” I said, feeling a hint of hot embarrassment flooding my cheeks. “I’m sure the authorities will contact your family. Just relax for now. You’re in a lot of pain right—”

“Noah is your class president,” he bit out, clutching at his upper abdomen. “You should have his number saved up.”

“I’m not sure he’ll pick up my call.”

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