Page 15 of Cruel Kings

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“What’s this?” Caleb asked, snatching the bag from me.

I frowned as he dug in, bringing out what looked like a homely round tin box.

“I wasn’t sure if you were liking the food here, so I baked you some chocolate-chip cookies,” said Milla, looking suddenly nervous. “I hope you like them.”

Caleb pried the tin open to reveal big, fat cookies. The smell of freshly baked cookies made my mouth water at once. I grabbed one immediately and bit into it.

“So good,” I crooned, enjoying the buttery, rich cookie crumbling in my mouth. The pieces of chocolate melted on my tongue, urging me to take more bites.

“Did you bring milk?” I asked jokingly as Caleb grabbed a cookie.

“Yeah.” She bent down and picked up a large bag that she’d dropped on the floor. “There’s milk, bananas, and apples.”

Caleb glanced at me and we both sniggered. Milla was so cute and funny. None of the girls we’d dated so far brought us homemade cookies and apples.

I noticed Caleb staring at her with a familiar look. His interest in her was peaking. Noah was already obsessed with her. Now, she was unknowingly getting us to like her too.

Caleb bit into an apple and grinned cheekily at her.

His smile seemed to relax her. She grinned back and took off her jacket, displaying a maroon t-shirt with the Hogwarts logo.Such a cute nerd, I thought as she sat down on a nearby chair.

“Are you feeling better?” she asked, turning her attention to me.

“Yeah,” I said. “The doc said I could leave tomorrow but I’m not allowed on a bike for the next two weeks.”

She gave a grim nod. “You must take care of that concussion.” She looked around the room, like she was searching for something.

“What are you looking for?” I asked.

She hesitated. “I don’t know...I was expecting lots of presents and flowers from your friends.” She chuckled nervously and looked down at her knees. “You’re one of the most popular guys at school.”

“We haven’t told anyone,” said Caleb.

She glanced up at him. “Not even your parents?”

Caleb shrugged.

“All that our lousy dad can do is lecture us,” I said. “What’s the point of telling him? You guys brought me here and I’m receiving the care and treatment I need. We don’t want him here.”

Milla’s face looked like she wanted to say something but stayed quiet.

Smart girl, I thought.She knows not to pry.

Her body suddenly jerked. Reaching inside her jeans pocket, she took out her phone. A smile lit up her pretty face as soon as she glanced at the screen.

“I need to take this call,” she said and hopped off the chair.

Caleb and I looked at each other.

“Check who she’s talking to,” I said.

Caleb gave a nod and stealthily walked near the doorway to spy on her.

I waited impatiently for about five minutes while Caleb focused on her.

He ran back and jumped beside me right before Milla stepped inside the room again.

“My mom called,” she said, smiling radiantly. “She just got engaged! Can you believe it?”

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