Page 149 of Cruel Kings

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My stepfather was weeping like a child. “I’m s—so—sorry, Milla.” He brought his forearm to his face and covered his eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

The momentary relief I felt upon seeing him vanished. What could make a grown man like him cry and sob that way?

I realized I was in a hospital room. My hand automatically went to the back of my head. My fingers brushed against the rough fabric of thick bandages.

“What exactly happened?” I asked.

“Your brother said you hit your head against the wall,” said the man in scrubs. “I’ll get the doctor to check in on you now. Just stay calm, okay?”

Slowly, the memory of my fight with Noah came back to me. At one point, I’d torn off a part of his sleeve and he’d pushed me in retaliation.

“Brian,” I said gently. “There’s no need to feel so awful about this. It hurts a little but I’m sure I’ll be okay in a few days. There’s no concussion. At least, I don’t feel like I have one.”

Brian’s body sagged to the floor.

A closer look showed me his unkempt hair and untidy clothes. The sleeves of his crinkled shirt were rolled up to his elbows. I’d never seen him look so lost and exhausted.

I climbed off the bed cautiously, making sure the ache in my head wouldn’t mess with my balance. Feeling steady on my feet, I approached him and kneeled down next to him.

“Look,” I said, laying a hand on his hunched shoulder. “I can walk. I’m fine.”

Brian raised his head, staring at me with tear-filled eyes.

Why was he being so emotional about this? There was no need for him to feel guilty about what his son did. I was sure even Noah didn’t mean to hurt me like this. It was an accident.

“Stop feeling so upset,” I said with a smile. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you. Was your flight delayed? I couldn’t get in touch with you and Mom. Glad you guys are here though.”

“She’s no longer here,” said Brian in a hollow voice.

“Good,” I said. “You guys had a long flight. It’s best she rests at home now. Besides, I’m better already. They’ll probably let me go home today.”

Brian’s grief-stricken expression didn’t change. Something about the pain in his eyes gave me pause. Why was hesoupset?

“Eva...your mother...” he gulped hard as if something was choking his throat tightly. “She’s no longer here. She’s gone.”

“I know. You just said so—”

I fell silent as Brian shook his head. “She’s dead.”

I simply stared at him. For a moment, I wondered if I heard correctly. A second later, I willed myself to wake up. This had to be a nightmare.

Brian broke down, sobbing softly.

“What are you talking about?” I said in a high-pitched voice. “Tell me you’re making some kind of sick joke.”

He stayed silent.

I shook his shoulder hard. “Brian! She can’t be! She was supposed to come home with you today.”

“She got ill on the flight,” he said in a choked voice. “I got her here as soon as the plane landed.”

“You brought her here? This hospital?”

He nodded.

“She’s here? Where? Which room.”

“She’s next door,” he said in a broken voice. “But she’s gone. Gone forever.”

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