Page 144 of Cruel Kings

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A soft sigh escaped me.

I finished the cup quickly and poured myself some more.

Feeling slightly better, I took my phone out of my pocket. Dad and Eva were supposed to arrive that morning. I was sure Dad would be angry about us not being home but at least, Noah would be around.

I lazily looked at my phone, expecting a text or a call from my brother.

Instead, I found several texts and voicemails from Milla. “That’s weird,” I muttered, noticing several missed calls from Noah too.

I called Milla first. Sipping my coffee, I waited but she didn’t pick up my call.

Next, I dialed Noah’s number.

“Cal...” Noah’s shaky voice answered me.

“Hey, you okay?” I asked, gulping my coffee.

“I’m fine. Milla though...”

“Milla? What’s wrong with her?”

Noah didn’t answer but I could hear his heavy breathing. Anxiety coiled around my chest. “What did you do, Noah?”

“I didn’t mean to—it was an accident.”

Noah rarely spoke in such an unsettled, halting manner. He always planned out his moves and never regretted anything. Milla must’ve been hurt badly for him to sound so disturbed.

“Tell me what happened to her,” I said in a low voice.

“She hurt her head,” said Noah. “Hubert and I brought her to St. Nikolas’s. She’s in the emergency room getting stitched up. Docs said she’s going to be okay but they’ll have to watch her because she lost a lot of blood on the way.”

“That’s fucked up. How did she hurt herself?”

“I don’t know,” he said with a moan. “She was badgering me and I pushed her. She hit the wall hard. I swear I didn’t mean to hurt her.”

A bad headache pounded my forehead. Massaging my brow, I wondered what to tell him. My brother was clearly suffering from guilt but at this point, what was the point?

These past few months, his sole intention had been to hurt her. He didn’t even know the extent to which Milla suffered because of him. She was too proud to show her wounds.

Only now, when he watched her bleed, he felt something for her.

“Caleb?” Noah’s voice was heavy with anxiety.

“I’m here.”

“Where’s Corey? Can you guys come here?”

“Corey’s passed out upstairs,” I said. “But yeah, we’ll come. Tell her to hold on tight until we get there.”

“It’s not just Milla, Cal,” Noah said in a grim tone. “It’s Eva as well.”

“Eva? What happened to her?”

“It’s hard to explain because I don’t understand it myself,” said Noah. “Just get here.”

“All right. We’re coming.” Switching off the call, I poured myself another mug of coffee and chugged it down.

My head hurt badly. Corey would be feeling the same as me when I woke him up. Putting on another jar of coffee to brew, I headed upstairs to wake my brother.

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