Page 133 of Cruel Kings

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Luke and I laughed.

We joined a growing tide of students heading to High Five. It was one of the most popular places to hang out for the Silverlake undergrads. The drinks were cheap and they stayed open until midnight.

High Five was almost bursting to its full capacity by the time we reached the gates. Some majors finished their exams a couple of hours earlier and were already enjoying mugs of foaming beers.

It took us a long time to find a table that’d accommodate us. The place was crowded and loud, but no one seemed to care much. We were all high on the excitement of finishing our exams.

“I don’t think this is his kind of place,” Wyatt whispered in my ear.

I looked over at Luke who was wiping the rim of his beer mug. Doubt and worry were etched on his handsome face.

I gave a nod, agreeing with Wyatt. Luke was an Elite, after all. He probably hung out with his friends at the poshest clubs in town. Bars like High Five were mostly meant for low-income kids like us.

“We don’t mind if you leave after a drink,” I whispered in Luke’s ear.

He turned around, his warm breath fanning my face. “Do you want me to leave?”

He was staring back so intently, I had to take a step back. “No,” I blurted. “It’s just...”

“What?” he urged.

“Nothing...I thought you’d want to hang out with your other friends too.”

A serious expression came over him. “They’re not really my friends. The guys you see hanging around me simply want something from me. It’s not because they like me.”

“Then, why—”

“Why do I let them hang around me when I know?”

I gave a nod.

He took a tentative sip of his beer. “I don’t want people to think I’m a lonely loser,” he said and chugged his drink. He didn’t stop until he’d finished half the glass. “I’m finally done keeping up with them. Cheers to that.” He lifted his mug.

I lifted my glass too and smiled.

Wyatt and Julie were busy whispering and giggling together. My two best friends looked like they were already drunk. Kendra floated to a nearby table, drinking with a group of her friends.

I felt Luke’s finger under my chin. He gently turned me to face him.

“What are you thinking?” he asked in a low, deep voice.


He leaned in.


His face came closer, his breath hot on my skin.

I blinked, unsure whether this was something I wanted. Part of me felt confused. Was this right or wrong? Did I want to cross the line of friendship with Luke?

My phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket, making me jump in my seat. My abrupt movement broke the spell between us.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, grabbing my phone.

A new message came in through a chat app. Checking the number, I realized it was a video sent by Noah.

I pressed ‘play’.

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