Page 120 of Cruel Kings

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“What’s he doing?” I asked as Caleb moved toward Jason.

“He’s not done,” said Corey. Even at this moment, I couldn’t help but be surprised by how much he knew what was going on inside his twin’s mind.

Caleb thrashed the three guys with the thick wooden twig. They screamed and begged for him to stop but he kept going.

“Don’t. Ever. Mess. With. Her.” Caleb spoke each word loudly and clearly. He was panting heavily but kept thrashing the squirming men on the ground.

“We’ll cut off your dicks if you do this to any girl,” Corey shouted from beside me.

Caleb halted, his blazing eyes finally falling on me.

I looked away, burying my head in Corey’s chest.

“Is she hurt?” Caleb asked. His voice sounded closer.

“They roughed her up badly,” Corey answered in a worried tone. “She won’t let go of me. Have you ever seen Milla cling to me like this? She’s shaking and sobbing.”

“I’m going to kill them.” There was pure conviction in his voice.

“Forget about them,” said Corey. “We should take her home.”

“I’m not going there,” I mumbled at once.

Corey sighed. “We’ll take you to your shitty apartment. Happy now?”

I gave a nod, still keeping my face buried in his chest.

“How are you going to walk like this?” Corey asked me in an exasperated tone. “Just let go for now. Okay? We can hold hands while walking.”

Corey spoke to me in a gentle tone. Still, I couldn’t stop my body from shivering uncontrollably. Only holding onto him gave me some reprieve from the cold and the fear still choking me.

I felt a different touch on my wrist.

“Come to me, Milla,” said Caleb.

His body was already pressing against me from behind. I turned a little and looked up into his handsome face.

“You’re safe with us,” said Caleb. His gaze was grim and something in the intensity of his voice made my heart pound with a different emotion.

With a sudden move, he bent slightly and swiped me off my feet.

I blinked, wondering how he swept me up into his arms so easily.

“You don’t have to let go now,” Caleb said in a gentle voice.

“Great idea, Cal,” said Corey. He glanced at the three guys still squirming on the ground and shook his head. “Come on, then. We’ll catch a cab from the main street.”

I wound my arms around Caleb’s neck. His closeness was warming me up again. I didn’t understand why I was trusting him and his brother, but they were my only lifeline to safety.

I just want them to take me home, I thought to myself.



Milla swayed on her feet. Under the bright kitchen lights, I could see how pale she’d gone. Tear tracks stained her colorless cheeks and her dark auburn strands were a mess.

My hands balled into tight fists.

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