Page 117 of Cruel Kings

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I ate lunch in the downstairs café and carried cups of coffee to my table upstairs any time I needed an extra boost of caffeine. Even though I was tired and my back ached, I felt happy.

The vast study hall only had a few students left now.

Donning my jacket, I pulled the hood low and started gathering my books. There were no early morning classes tomorrow, so I was hoping to eat a late dinner and catch a movie before going to bed.

It had been an amazing day compared to yesterday. If more professors gave up taking classes during the last week of the semester, I’d have more time to spend on revisions.

I walked out of the library and looked out at the well-lit campus. The place looked deserted at this time of night.

A chilly breeze blew by, playing with the loose strands on my forehead. Digging my hands into the pockets of my jeans, I walked down a path to reach the main street on the other side of the campus.

A slight sound of someone sniggering came from behind me.

I turned around, but the path behind me was deserted.

Wondering if I imagined it, I started walking again.

The sound of scuffling shoes made me halt. Turning around, my gaze searched the shadows under the trees lining the road. There was no way I imagined someone creeping up behind me this time.

An uncomfortable feeling took hold of me. Was someone following me? I’d walked these deserted paths late at night plenty of times before. Since it was part of the university campus, it’d always felt safe.

Now, I wasn’t so sure.

“Hello?” I called out uncertainly.

There was no reply. A part of me felt foolish for talking to thin air but I was definitely not alone.

I need to get out of here, I decided.

Pulling the strap of my backpack higher up my shoulder, I started walking at a brisk pace. It wouldn’t be so bad once I got onto the main street. I just had to get out of this deserted patch.

Loud laughter followed me as I jogged forward. I didn’t need to turn back to see I was being followed by more than one guy. Their deep, amused chuckles grated on my every nerve as I hurried to get away from them.

“Enough, sweet pea,” a voice roared from behind me. “Stop running. We’re not going to hurt you.”

His statement was followed by loud, jeering laughter.

“Stop, Camilla,” another voice called out. “We’ll make it worth your time.”

Cold dread filled my insides, choking me with fear.

I wound the straps of my backpack over my shoulders, preparing to make a run. However, before I could take another step, I felt someone grab the back of my jacket.

I cried out as I was forced to stumble backward.

“Easy now,” said another voice.

Turning around, I finally saw my stalkers. There were three guys, all wearing letterman jackets with the university’s varsity logos.

Among them, I recognized the guy who stood closest to me. He was the same person who spilled hot coffee on my hand yesterday. His eyes glittered in the dark as he smirked at me.

“Recognize me, babe?” he said with a lewd grin.

“Let go of me,” I hissed, pushing him off me but two other guys formed a wall behind me.

“Why’re you resisting us?” the first guy asked. “I told you I’m an Elite. We’re rich. We’ll pay you well to suck on our cocks too.” He smiled, his eyes shining darkly. “Just play nice with us.”

My heart pounded in my chest. I knew what they wanted from me. Sweet talking me with the promise of money was just a ploy to get me to let my guard down.

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