Page 108 of Cruel Kings

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“It’s not that—”

“Well, I shall see you soon.” The call switched off.

Fuck, I cursed silently, staring at my phone angrily. Why was the universe hating me so much lately?

As if the day wasn’t bad enough, I’d now have to spend a fortune on cab fare to go to Brian’s home. I could only hope Noah, Corey, and Caleb weren’t around.

Muttering curses, I booked a cab and waited on the bench.

My stomach growled from having missed lunch. I was also starting to feel the burning pain on my wrist from getting scalded by hot coffee earlier. In my hurry, I’d forgotten to even run some cold water over the injured area.

Thankfully, the cab arrived within fifteen minutes.

Entering the car, I gave the address to the driver and plugged headphones onto my ears. Drowning myself in music was my last resort to calm my nerves before meeting Mr. Jenkins.

After a long hour, the cab dropped me at my destination.

“You work in this house?” the young man asked me as I was climbing from the car.

The gorgeous manor shimmered like a jewel against the night sky. It wasn’t his fault for being mesmerized by the sight.

“I work as a maid,” I lied.

“Must be nice, huh?”

“Sure.” I slapped the door closed and walked forward.

A valet waited for me at the entrance of the manor. The security at the estate’s gates must have informed them of my arrival already.

“Good evening, Miss Camilla,” he said politely. “May I take your bag?”

The man’s poker face didn’t give me a clue to what he was thinking. There was no way he worked here and didn’t see or hear about the incident from last night’s party.

“It’s fine,” I said, brushing past him.

Knowing my way to Brian’s study, I headed there directly. Other than a few maids, I didn’t come across anyone.

The room was empty.

Taking my phone out, I called Mr. Jenkins.

“Where are you?” I asked as soon as he picked up my call.

“Almost there, Miss Brown,” he said while loud traffic noises sounded from the background. “The traffic is terrible tonight.”

A heavy sigh escaped me. “Fine. I’m waiting for you.”

“I’m extremely sorry for my tardiness.”

I rolled my eyes at his excessive politeness. “It’s okay, Mr. Jenkins. Please, just hurry.”

I placed my phone on the coffee table and sat down on one of the couches. The room was quiet and warm. I inhaled deeply, liking the scent of scotch and coffee that permeated the room.

I took off my jacket and got comfortable. It didn’t sound like Noah and the others were around tonight.

The burn on my arm stung badly but it was nothing compared to the verbal abuse I faced the whole day. Moving the sleeve, I stared at the red, angry blisters forming on my skin.

A long breath exhaled out of me as I leaned against the couch and closed my eyes. This had to be the longest day of my life.

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