Page 104 of Cruel Kings

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“I’m just glad they didn’t give you a hard time,” I said. “I’d hate it if you got into trouble with Corey and Caleb because of me.”

“Don’t worry about me. You’re the one who needs to be careful.”

Wyatt grabbed my elbow and led me down the second row. “I’ll stick with you the whole day and Julie will join us when she can. We won’t let anyone bother you.”

I smiled at my friend and playfully pulled his beanie over his eyes.

“Hey!” he protested, fixing his lopsided hat.

I chuckled, feeling much better than this morning.

“It’s good to see you smile,” said Luke as he took a seat beside mine.

“You’re sitting with me?” I asked, surprised. He usually sat with his gang of friends.

“Just showing support to my incredible partner,” he said, flashing me a grin.

Warmth spread through me. I distinctly felt Noah’s gaze boring in the back of my head, but was easily able to ignore him because of my friends.

The lecturer entered the room and at once, silence fell over the buzzing crowd of students. I took out my notebook and got ready to take notes because we were going through some last-minute discussions on important exam topics.

Most of the class went fine but toward the end of the hour, giggles and chuckles cut in between the lecturer’s talk. Looking around, I saw everyone staring and pointing at me.

“Silence!” the annoyed lecturer snarled. “These topics will come up during the exams.”

To his dismay (and mine), the class got rowdier. Almost everyone was looking at their phones and laughing. Even some of the more older kids in the class couldn’t help but throw smirks at me.

“It’s happening,” Luke muttered in a low voice. “Everyone’s watching what happened to you last night.”

My good mood evaporated in thin air.

I swallowed the embarrassment and stared ahead at the professor who’d given up and was packing up his things.

“Ignore them,” Wyatt mumbled. “They’ll laugh a few times and forget about it.”

I stayed quiet, hating the attention on me.

“Come on.” Wyatt hurriedly packed up his bag. “Let’s get out of here.”

Since the lecturer left the class, we were free to leave.

Luke came up beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

“What are you doing?” I asked, staring up at him.

“They won’t come near you if I’m at your side,” he said in a grave tone. “I’m an Elite, after all. They owe me some respect.”

He steered me toward the doorway.

Noah stood nearby, staring at me with a deathly glare. He couldn’t openly talk crap to a frat brother, so he was forced to remain silent.

I looked away, letting Luke lead me out of the classroom. Noah wanted to make a fool out of me but I’d do my best not to give him any satisfaction. He wanted me to have a breakdown but I was determined to stay strong.

Luke and Wyatt were making it far easier than I could’ve anticipated.

“You guys are the best,” I said as we walked down the hallway.

“You deserve more,” Luke whispered in my ear, sending a strange shiver through me.

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