Page 102 of Cruel Kings

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I shifted in my sleep, wanting to bury my cold face in the warm body on my side.


I turned around, hoping I’d find some warmth on the other side.


I frowned in my sleep, reaching out with both my hands to feel for Caleb and Corey’s bodies.

Nothing. The bed was empty.

Where did they go?The thought made me blink my eyes open.

Corey and Caleb spent the night with me. After tucking me in, they slid into the bed, sandwiching me between them. Each time a nightmare woke me up, they were there to soothe and calm me.

By the time morning came, I was comfortably warm and toasty. Only when I could no longer feel their presence did I wake up again.

The gray light of dawn filtered through the closed curtains. I glanced at the mechanical alarm clock on the bedside table.

It was already close to seven A.M.

Groaning, I sat up.

There was no way I could laze around on a Monday morning. There were classes to attend until late afternoon and an evening of working at the café to look forward to.

The smell of coffee wafted into the room along with snatches of conversation. Sudden hope swelled in my heart. Caleb and Corey were still here.

Throwing off the blanket, I climbed out of bed and headed to the living room. The twins were drinking coffee with a box of cinnamon rolls between them.

“Morning, lost girl,” Corey said with a bright smile. “Sleep well?”

I gave a nod as my heart fluttered at the sight of them in my tiny kitchen.

Morning stubble coated their chins. Their dark locks were untidy but they still looked so sexy. I probably looked like a hag with my dry, untamed hair right after getting out of bed.

They suffered through my tantrum last night and still stayed with me. Neither of them touched me but provided me with their warmth and protection.

“Have some breakfast,” said Caleb. “We’ve got bagels, rolls, and coffee.”

“When did you get these?” I asked, taking a seat at the small table.

“Caleb woke up early and brought them over,” said Corey. “He’s the morning guy. Lucky, right? There’s good breakfast as soon as you wake up.”

“Yeah,” I said, grabbing a sesame-covered toasted bagel and coffee.

I was glad they were making small talk.

While I was calm again, I still couldn’t forget the humiliation Noah put me through yesterday. Pain lanced through me each time I heard the jarring laughter of the crowd in my mind.

I quietly drank my coffee. After finishing two bagels, I got up from the table.

“Where are you going?” Caleb asked at once.

“I’m taking a shower and getting ready,” I replied.

“You don’t want to take a break and stay home?” Corey asked with a grim expression.

“Girls like me don’t have the luxury to do that,” I said. “We deal with grief and sadness in our own time. I must keep up attendance in all the classes for the scholarship I receive. There’s no skipping class each time something upsetting happens. Plus, there’s work. I need the money to pay for rent and food.”

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