Page 100 of Cruel Kings

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The light over the doorway wasn’t on which meant that Kendra wasn’t home. She was still out of the loop with everything that was happening in my life. We never got a chance to talk properly after she returned from her trip.

Relieved that Kendra wasn’t around to witness my shame, I let Corey unlock the door.

The apartment was cold and dark. Stepping inside, I quickly turned on the lights and the heat.

There was a faint musty smell to the place that instantly eased some of my anxiety. The place was old and tiny but it felt like home.

I walked into my room and threw open my closet. After taking some clothes out, I shut the door.

I quickly changed out of Corey and Caleb’s clothes and donned a hoodie and long PJs. The thick, rough fabric against my skin was welcoming.

Opening the door, I walked into the central space that acted as a living room, a kitchen, and a dining space. “Here are your clothes,” I said, dropping the shirt and jacket on the table.

“Subtle,” Caleb muttered.

“You guys should go now,” I said in a grim tone. “I really can’t deal with anything else tonight.”

“You don’t have to be scared of us,” said Caleb. “We’re not going to hurt you.”

“Why not?” I snapped. “According to you guys, I’m a whore. You’re entitled to treat me however you like.”

Caleb’s stunned expression matched Corey’s.

“I’m the daughter of an evil woman who’s out to get you guys,” I said, my voice getting louder with every word. “Why not kill me? That’ll protect your precious little mansion and all the dollars hidden in your bank vaults.”

“Milla, stop,” Corey said in a pleading tone.

“Why?” I yelled, feeling my emotions breaking free. “It’s the truth, after all. Go ahead! Rape me! That’s what you guys are best at.”

“We didn’t rape you tonight!” Corey shouted back.

I clapped my hands loudly. “You want a prize for that? Here, have this.” I threw an empty glass tumbler at him.

Corey was quick enough to dodge it.

The glass fell on the floor and shattered to pieces.

“Will you calm down?” Caleb shouted.

“Why don’t you calm me down?” I challenged him. “Tear off my clothes, force me to suck you off while the other fucks me from behind.” A burst of wild laughter escaped me. “Do it! I’m used to being your whore anyway.”

Angry tears rolled down my cheeks as I glared at them both.

Caleb moved toward me, looking weirdly calm.


My hand moved on its own accord. A loud crack sounded in the still, quiet room as my hand connected with his face.

I breathed hard, knowing what was coming. There was no way these guys would let me get away with slapping them.

A long minute ticked by.

Corey and Caleb stood rooted to the spot and simply stared at me with wide eyes.

“What are you waiting for?” I yelled. “Hit me back! Teach me a lesson.”

I moved past Caleb and threw punches at Corey’s wide, hard chest. I hit him with all the strength I could muster, intent on hurting him. Somehow, I no longer cared what happened to me afterward.

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