Page 59 of Bedroom King

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It rained hardthat night as I lay curled up in bed. Aside from water hitting my bedroom window, the only other sounds were of my sorority sisters gossiping downstairs. No detail was spared as they filled in the sisters who weren’t there for my big fight the night before, telling them I’d had unprotected sex and had been dumped by The Bedroom King himself.

They’d heard everything between Blade and me, which only made the entire situation that much worse. I wanted to fucking crawl into a hole and disappear.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, clutching them tightly as I considered my options. Blade was my only source of income at the moment, so I’d have to get a job. The trip overseas next summer was obviously out of the question, although I doubted that I’d be able to get my down payment back.

At some point, I stopped crying and started to fall asleep, but not before Emily came home. I couldn’t hear what she said to the girls downstairs, but it was apparent they’d filled her in on everything. A few minutes later, she went into the bathroom, shuffled through the garbage, and found the pregnancy test.

I squinted my eyes shut as she came into the bedroom, wanting nothing more than to tell her everything. But I was tired and humiliated. Instead, I remained motionless as she pulled the covers up closer to my neck and kissed my forehead.

The following day, I forced myself out of bed and shuffled downstairs. There was no point in staying holed up in my bedroom feeling sorry for myself. Besides, the entire household had heard everything between Blade and me.

The only person I needed to address was Emily, who was waiting for me at the kitchen table.

“There’s my girl,” she said in between sips of coffee. “Sit down and tell me everything.”

I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down across from her, staring idly into the cup. “Where do I start?”

“Well, I got the gist of it from the girls last night.”

She had always been like a second mother to me, and on the rare occasions she wasn’t, she was more like my sister instead.

“I never meant for things to get out of hand. It just sort of happened.”

“That’s the way life goes. You plan it out, and then bam!” She clapped her hands together. “Everything falls apart. But out of every guy on campus, why did you chase The Bedroom King?”

I hung my head in shame, knowing that she was right. “To be fair, he was the one that chased me.”

“That’s what he’s good at doing. Chasing girls.”

“No,” I whispered. “Blade was different this time. Like, he was finally starting to realize that his man-whore status wasn’t worth it anymore.”

Emily popped a mini-muffin into her mouth. “Then why did he break up with you last night?”

“Because he doesn’t believe me. He thinks that not only did I try and get pregnant, but that I’m behind all of those anonymous social media posts.”

She patted me on the arm and passed me a mini-muffin, which I scoffed at. “He doesn’t believe you because he wants to go back to his old ways.”

“Maybe you’re right, and I’m sorry, by the way.”

“For what?”

I leaned back in my chair and sighed. “I’m sorry for lying to you about Blade. Maybe if I’d come clean, I wouldn’t be in this mess because you wouldn’t have ever let me get involved with him like this.”

She patted my hand and gave me a sympathetic nod. “You never have to apologize for that sort of thing.”

“I’m serious about him changing, though. It’s like a switch went off, and I fucking ruined it.”

She rolled her eyes before tearing into another mini-muffin. “Girl, guys like him never change. It’s embedded in their DNA or something. You know how some guys are born with big dicks? Some of them are born being big dicks.””

“No, I saw it firsthand. Girls were practically throwing themselves at him all over campus, but he always looked the other way. I even heard him talk about how he’s lost interest in them and what other reason could there be?”

“Even if he did change, he still abandoned you when you needed him the most.”

I thought about the way Blade had reacted to the news of my possible pregnancy, and she was right. It wasn’t good. He was more concerned with becoming a professional football player than taking care of a child that wasn’t even real. And the worst part is that he twisted the situation until it suited him, until I somehow became the bad guy. And for what? So he could walk away without guilt hanging over him?

“Yeah, maybe,” I said. “But Blade said something else that stood out to me.”

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