Page 2 of Positively Inked

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“It says here that the reason you would like to leave your current job is because of a lack of funds and sexual harassment; do you mind expanding on that?”

“I work for Big Sammy,” she said, crossing her legs and holding her knees with her hand, “And I know how I dress is, well, considered tarty, but that doesn’t give him the right to get touchy with me, and honestly I just want to get away from the creep.”

“And that lack of funds?” I ask.

“I’ve been there for over five years, my sister and I both have and we are really good artists, but he refuses to either cut our rental fee or let us increase our prices. He’s very militant.”

“Oh I see, and Lacy, why else would you want to work here aside from needing to get away from Big Sammy and make some extra money?”

“Well, I’ve been watching the construction of the place and I really liked how it looked, and quite frankly I’d really like a fresh start. Sometimes you just need a chance to start again, you know what I mean?”

I do, it’s why I’m in this position. I like Lacy; despite her nerves and the way she dresses, she’s a bubbly, easy to talk to person that I can see I will get along with.

“It says here that you specialise in doing pinup tattoos, is that why you’re covered in them?”

“I love pinups; I can do other tattoos of course, but I’m really good at tattooing pinups and I have a client base that will come with me if I start here. I’m not trying to sound arrogant, it’s just I take pride in my work; it’s really good.”

“Did you happen to bring a portfolio?” I ask suddenly, realizing I should have stipulated that in the ad.

“Yes, of course,” Lacy digs in her bag and pulls out a black binder, handing it to me. I go through it slowly, enjoying how she’s done her artwork and appreciating the photos of the tattoos she has completed. I have a few more questions for her and she answers them in a genuine manner which gives me a lot of respect for her.

After a few more minutes I say, “Can I keep your portfolio for a few days?”

“Sure, just let me know when I can come get it,” Lacy said.

“Well actually, I’d like to offer you a three month trial position here, Lacy, to see if it all goes well. Full pay and everything; just after three months, if it’s not working out for either of us, then we can part ways. Is that okay with you?”

Lacy squeals and claps her hands and I smile at her. “That’s perfect!”

“Do you mind if I scan some of your work for the website for a bio page for you?”

“Not at all, do you need anything else from me?” Lacy asks.

“Just a short biography and a nice photo of you please,” I say, handing her a business card, “As soon as possible.”

“I’ll send it as soon as I’m home,” Lacy says, as we both stand. She holds out her hand and I shake it warmly.

“Thanks, Lacy and congratulations. I will text you later with details, but please keep this Saturday free to set up your booth and come sign your trial contract.”

“I will do so, thanks Lyra; can I call the next person for you?” she asks.

“Yes please, thank you,” I say and Lacy bounces off, which seems impossible in the platform shoes she’s wearing but she does it. I smile and sit back, setting Lacy’s CV and portfolio to the side, away from the others I have received. The next person who comes in looks a lot like Lacy, but is full on Goth and is covered in Japanese art style tattoos. She also has huge platforms on and she doesn’t sit straight away.

I stand and shake her hand. “Hi I’m Lyra,” I say.

She smiles. “Becca,” she answers quietly, and I’m instantly sad that she seems quiet. I’m really looking for outgoing personalities for the studio. We both sit and cross our legs, and Becca holds out her CV for me.

“Let me take a look quickly,” I say before paging through it. I notice she has the same last name as Lacy and look up. “Are you related to Lacy?”

“She’s my twin,” Becca says with a small smile, “Although we’re not very alike.”

“I can see you both work at the same place, have the same reasons for leaving, but your specialty is Japanese art?”

“Yes, I’ve always been fascinated with it since I was a young girl. I did my thesis on it during my Art Honours degree.”

“That’s really cool,” I say, nodding my head. “Look Becca, what I’m looking for is someone dynamic and bubbly with an outgoing personality.”

“I can get that,” Becca says, “And I might talk quietly, but believe me I can talk a lot. I just like to get to know people first.”

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