Page 18 of Positively Inked

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Four months.

Four months of running this studio and I cannot be happier when I walk into work every day. Everything is just turning out absolutely amazing and I thank my lucky stars! Everyone is like a family at the studio and we even hang out after hours together sometimes. New friendships have been formed, and it seems like Diesel and Tintin have really taken to Sheldon and taken him under their wing. They’ve started to teach him how to do piercings, and we ordered some practice skin for him from the supplier so he could start practicing using a tattoo gun.

Diesel has promised Sheldon that once he is good enough he can tattoo a design of Sheldon’s choosing on his back. I think that’s really sweet and it’s really motivating Sheldon. Lacy is head over heels in love with someone, but neither she nor Becca are spilling the beans just yet; apparently Lacy is very superstitious and only after a super amount of dates going perfectly will she announce she’s with someone. Until then we hear vague stories of what they’ve been up to and how amazing her new ‘partner’ is. She won’t even call him her boyfriend yet.

Becca and Cindy have become best friends and do practically everything together all the time. Becca has brought out the inner smart mouth in Cindy, and she is definitely more vocal now than ever, and Cindy has brought out the softer side of Becca, who is moving into an apartment with Cindy soon and they are adopting two rescue kittens together. Lacy doesn’t seem to mind that her sister is moving out. I laughed at that because Lacy is always complaining to me in private that Becca is way too OCD and a space hogger for Lacy’s liking, so I know that it’s the extra closet space that Lacy wants.

And then there’s him.


With Heather coming every day we have really fallen into a great routine. I make sure not to book clients around the time she comes in so I can do her homework with her. Since we started to do it together she really looks forward to getting it, and even asks for extra homework from her teacher when she doesn’t have any. I think it’s so sweet and I love spending time with her; she is such a kind soul and so intelligent for her age. I even managed to convince JJ that she is old enough to walk from the bus stop to the studio by herself, because he needs to teach her to be independent and responsible. So every day she walks in and goes to give each artist a hug, keeping Daddy for last before she grabs the little pink stool I bought her and pulls it up next to me so we can get started on her work.

JJ often comments how much he loves the influence I have on her, that she’s been much happier since she has been coming to the studio, and he is too because he can spend time with her. She is really part of the team and has even, on a few occasions, answered the phone and taken a message when Sheldon is busy. The clients adore it when she does that and it helps her practice her writing. Genius on my part, I think.

Since the night, THE night, JJ and I have sometimes been alone in the back room and sometimes, just sometimes, we’ve shared a look or a kiss. It hasn’t evolved past that and I don’t want to push it. We’re friends, who sometimes kiss rather deeply. I love the way he cups my ass in his hands when we kiss and pulls me up and against him. I’ve taken to occasionally wearing simple outfits and simple make-up, because the times I do, I’ve seen him quickly move to the bathroom, an unmistakable bulge in his pants, and it takes him some time before he comes out. It’s clear what turns JJ on.

No one else notices, or doesn’t say anything, so I feel like it’s a little game we play. He does the same thing to me; he can drive me absolutely wild. Sometimes, if we’re close and alone, he’ll slip a hand up my dress and gently finger my clit through my panties. By the time I’m home my panties are soaked with my juices, and my vibrator and I have a wild night.

Four months of this teasing, and although there are moments I wish we could discuss it, so we know what we’re doing and where we’re heading, I also feel like he will once he’s ready. Clearly whatever Heather’s mother did to him was pretty bad and he needs to do this at his pace.

To be honest, I’m liking the slowness and mystery of what we do. After Jason, I didn’t think I would ever let another man touch me, but JJ feels different. The way he touches me, the way he nibbles my ear gently, or kisses down my neck, everything is so sensual. When I think about the sex we had, how he unselfishly made sure I had an amazing orgasm before he left, all of it just adds up to me liking him more and more.

I have to stop myself there. I won’t allow myself to feel more than like.

Four months.

Four months today, and today I’m wearing a simple summer dress with my cute little matching sneakers, and I decide that today I’ll treat him and leave my panties at home.


When I arrive at the studio, everyone smiles and greets me. Lacy bounces over like the ball of energy she is and into my arms for a tight hug.

I don’t have to look at JJ; from the corner of my eye I can see him eyeing out my dress. This time though, I’m not letting him go to the bathroom with that bulge.

I’m late today, it’s almost twelve, but I had told everyone I’d be in late. I’d been at the studio until close to eleven doing stock take and had wanted to sleep in late. I get goosebumps from knowing JJ is staring at me, but at the same time I realise I need to do this before I chicken out, and before Heather gets here. When Heather is here he looks at me differently. There is no burning desire in his eyes when his daughter is around. His thoughts are clearly pure and he looks at me with a tenderness and appreciation.

I want him to look at me like he did that night he had me on the bench, as though I was a piece of burnt flesh for him to devour.

“JJ, I didn’t quite finish up the stock take. While everyone else is busy here, do you think you can help me in the back?”

“Sure,” he says, getting up diligently. I want to check if he has a bulge, but it would be obvious.

“We’re probably going to be shifting shit around,” I tell Sheldon, “I practically blocked myself in last night and had to rearrange everything, so don’t just walk in. Knock and I’ll clear the way for you.”

“Okay Lyra,” Sheldon says without looking at me. He’s watching Diesel doing a design and I smile. Good. I doubt anyone suspects anything.

I lead JJ to the back room and shut the door behind him. I want to turn to him, but I also don’t want to take too many risks. I shift two boxes in front of the door, just in case someone does forget and tries to just walk in. As I’m bent over putting the last box in place I feel his hands on my hips and he presses against me. There’s that bulge. I’m already wet, and I lick my lips, trying not to drool as he slowly grinds against me. I straighten myself up and try to turn around, but his hands travel up my sides and hold me in place.

“Jesus,” he moans, still pressed against me as his hands move to my front and cup my breasts. I tilt my head back onto his shoulder and he kisses my neck softly, gently rubbing my nipples through the fabric. He’s grinding harder against me and whispers, “I want you so bad, Lyra.”

“I know,” I whisper back.

“I… We…”

“Nothing,” I whisper, “We don’t have to talk about it. We can just see how it goes…”

He kisses my neck hungrily, one hand trailing down my dress and under the hem, back up to my bare pussy. He rests his forehead against my shoulder, groaning softly as he slides his index finger between my folders, caressing me with care.

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