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She smiles at that, pleased to be her dad's special princess.

“You're pretty too,” she tells me. “Are you two going to get married?”

“Oh, we haven’t talked about that,” I startle and my cheeks grow hot.

I feel Jared's eyes burning into me, sitting at his mom's feet but I don't dare look at him.

“Well I wish you would,” she says. “He needs a good woman to take care of him.”

“Mom, I do take care of myself. I'm more concerned about you. Are you sure you wouldn't like to come home with me to San Francisco?”

“Of course not. I'm not moving from here until Ross comes to get me. But you ought to take this girl because I can see she's a caring one just like dear Prudence.”

An hour later we leave the nursing home and walk back to the car, hand in hand, but without talking. I'm sad about Angeline losing awareness in her mind but I wonder why Jared brought me here. Is he trying to make a point about age and the difference in ours? Or did he actually want to introduce me to his mother because he's thinking we're something more than a mega hot fling?

“She seems very happy here,” I finally say, wanting to give him something to hang on to.

“She's so young,” he replies. “And she won't come home with me because she thinks Ross, my father, is coming to get her. He died when I was eleven.”

“I'm so sorry,” I say, linking my arms through his so I can press closer. That's another thing we have drawing us closer.

“She liked you,” he says at last and a wave of relief floods me. “It just shows that you have to hold on to your happiness when you find it. You can't rely on things lasting forever.”

Now I don’t know whether he's telling me that this is a fling after all. It's devastating to think he could soon be gone from my life but he's right, I'm going to savor every last drop of pleasure he's giving me for as long as I can.

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