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“I have been up 'til now. But this is something new. The way I feel toward you. I want us to build a foundation before I take your perfect body.”

Relief and excitement combine inside me so that now it's a barrage of butterflies batting around my chest. He looks at me again, commanding my gaze.

“Because I will take you my Darling and I can guarantee that between us, the heat's gonna be explosive.”

Thrills of anticipation dart around my core, along with some trepidation. Will I be enough for him? It's not like I have a shed load of experience. I'm terrified of being a huge disappointment.

He gives my hand a comforting squeeze as though he knows what I'm worrying on and he's got it all under control.

We reach the gallery and at least I can hold my own when giving an opinion about the art. Jared wants to know what I think about a lot of things.

If we ever get separated, him looking at one piece, me another, I automatically seek him out, needing to reconnect across the large open space. Every time, I find him watching me with his cool beautiful stare. His lips flex and he smiles his glittering grin the instant our eyes connect.

I'm looking at one particularly mesmerizing piece, a giant abstract that speaks to me, when two commanding hands slide around my hip bones. I lean back against him, the wall of solid muscle, feeling the flex of his abs and the powerful beat of his heart.

“You look so perfectly beautiful, Darling Girl,” his raspy voice smolders against my ear, his hot breath making the side of my neck prickle.

I wait on tenterhooks for him to add, “Let's get out of here,” before leading me back to his hotel and fucking me witless.

“Hey, Carina,” A voice behind us announces too loudly. “What are you doing here? Ohhhh,” A long knowing pause precedes the, “Hello, Mr Helmsley.”

My heart bottoms out seeing Allie's cousin, Rachel, with two nerdy guys wearing thick rimmed glasses and long beards.

“Hi Rachel,” Jared says, not moving his hands off my hips, his fingertips pointing so close to my throbbing pussy.

I lean back into him even closer, not caring what anyone thinks. Wanting her to know he's mine.

“Good seeing you again,” he says, then with a cheeky tone, “Have you seen anything inspirational?”

After chatting a little, Rachel warms up to Jared and even the guys she's with suddenly gain respect when they realize he knows a few things about digital art. They probably assumed he was stuck at the Impressionists.

When the art groupies drift off Jared pulls me close and whispers into my hair.

“Let's get out of here.”

“I thought you'd never ask,” I respond eagerly.

Not that he asked. Jared usually tells me what he wants me to do. But I mean it more than he knows. Finally I'll have him push inside me and feel like he's truly mine.

But Jared takes me to lunch at Root Down. An insanely trendy place I've never been to even with my parents. It's a converted filling station so that might freak Daddy plus he doesn’t like to spend a lot of money on dining. So different from Jared. The one exception being their anniversary but that's likely because Mellie insists. In fact, that date is coming up really soon. I should get their gift before I get completely distracted.

“Holy cow, this is their ten year anniversary,” I tell Jared when the french press of coffee is set down and he's poured me a cup.

We're the last people left in the restaurant but the waiters are far too well-trained to hustle us out of there. Jared is settled in his chair and we've been talking about every subject in the encyclopedia. It's amazing how much we have to chat about.

“Let's go shopping,” he says, indicating he's ready for the check to the hovering waiter.

“Oh, no, I didn't mean – you don’t have to.”

I know how men hate shopping. I feel sorry for the boyfriends I see patiently waiting hours in the stores, barely covering up their boredom.

“But I want to,” Jared says. “Let's go, it'll be fun. I'll advise. After all I've known your parents longer than you.”

He kisses me when we rise from the table. Jared takes my coat and pulls me back into his embrace after sliding me into it. His arms encircle me and I feel his safe shield of muscle press against my back.

“I can't wait much longer for you,” he growls low into my ear from behind.

“Ditto,” I say and turn to kiss him which requires a long stretch onto tiptoes in order to reach his delectable mouth.

I am going to come undone if I can't have that mouth in private very soon.

Shopping with Jared is, as he promised, so much fun. He never looks bored or miserable but is actively giving me an opinion and even selecting things. Somehow we end up in the ladies designer department, which is not as stuffy as I always figured.

“Put this on,” he comes up behind me while I'm admiring some True Religion jeans to growl into my ear.

I do as he says, taking plenty of time while I'm in my underwear between getting out of my own clothes and slipping into the sexy dress he handed me. I'm sure his plan is to come into the change room and finally fuck me.

I say finally, it's only been a couple of days. But I've had whole relationships last less time and it seems like Jared and I have known each other forever.

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