Page 28 of Soulmates

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Oh, shit, here it comes.

“Guess who I found at the falls?” I said.

Dad stared at me for what seemed like forever before turning his attention to Miles and nodding. “So you found our little secret, huh?”

Oh, he found it all right,I thought.

“Yeah, I did,” Miles said. “Though I had no idea how difficult it would be to get there.”

“You’re just out of shape,” dad said, chuckling.

“That’s for sure.”

He glanced at me, as if he wanted to say something, but then changed his mind and waved as he started jogging past us. “See you guys later.”

“Bye, dad,” I said. We continued walking without saying a word until we were sure he wasn’t doubling back.

“Holy shit,” I exclaimed. “That was close!”

“Do you think he saw us?”

I thought about it and shook my head. “I doubt it. He would have said something. He’s not one to avoid confrontation.”

We alternated between walking and running, making quick progress down the path, but we didn’t hold hands anymore. Neither one of us wanted the complication that came with being discovered, at least not yet. When we got to the house a sense of awkwardness had returned, and we smiled at each other nervously.

“So what’s your plan now?” I said as we stepped into the lobby.

“Nothing, really. What about you?”

“Um, first I need to shower, because I’m feeling really sticky right now.”

“Oh,” he said, his face going red. “Sorry.”

I smiled at him. “It’s all good. Wanna go to the beach?”


“Okay. I need to ask dad if I can borrow his Jeep. How about we meet up outside after breakfast, say in a couple of hours? I’ll drive around to the end of the street and you can follow.”

Miles laughed. “Sounds good to me. Later, then.”

I watch Miles go up the stairs, then I went to my room, jumped in my bed, and squealed into my pillow.

I finally had sex. It was wonderful, mind-blowing, better than I could have ever imagined.

And I wanted more of it.

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