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“And I already checked about the plumbing,” I said, running to the far back wall. “You can put as many sinks over here as you want.”

Her eyes followed me around the room.

“And on this wall, you can have your own mirrors with the little stations and the chairs in a row. Can’t you imagine it?”

She nodded.

I walked back to her side, feeling slightly winded from running around during the unveiling. “I wanted to have it completely done for you so you could just walk in and start taking clients, but I decided it was better to show you sooner rather than later.”


“Plus, now you can make everything exactly the way you want,” I said. “It’ll be better this way. Don’t you think?”

She took a deep breath.


Her eyes met mine.

“Say something,” I said.

“I don’t know what to say.”

I smiled. “Say thanks, Aiden, I love it.”

She looked around the room and then back at me. “Aiden, you can’t just buy me a salon.”

I cocked my head. “Yes, I can. I already did.”

She shook her head. “I can’t accept this.”

“Yes you can.”

“No I can’t. It’s way too much.”

“Lucy.” I put my hands on her shoulders. “I want you to have it.”

“But I can’t afford it.”

“I know,” I said. “That’s what makes it such a great gift.”

“I’d have to pay for it. I’d have to pay you back.”

“I don’t want your money.”

“But I’d owe you,” she said, her eyes searching mine. “I’d owe you too much.”

“You wouldn’t owe me anything. If anything, I’m the one that owes you.”

“How do you figure?”

“Well, I never paid you for that haircut you gave me for starters.”

Her eyes sprang into little crescents.

“And it was by far the best haircut I’ve ever gotten.”

She shook her head.

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