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“If you want to see what’s behind the door, you have to close your eyes.”

“Are you kidding me?”


“I won’t do it. Remember last time you told me to close my eyes and led me into a closet?”

“That was different.”


“Well, we were twelve.”


“Plus, that really was a closet.”

“You locked me in there!”

“Only while I went home for lunch. It was only like twenty minutes.”

“More like forty five!”

“Yeah, but Zoey Cronin didn’t find you did she?”

“No. No one ever would’ve found me!”

“I promise this is different. That time we were playing a game.”

“And this isn’t a game?”

“No,” he said. “This is serious.”

I laughed. “So basically you’re telling me to close my eyes because things are about to get serious?”


“That sounds like terrible advice under any circumstance.”

“Just do it.”

I stuck my lower lip out. “Do I have to?”


“And if I won’t?”

“You’ll never know what’s behind that door.”

“It’s going to be water heater, isn’t it? Or a bidet or something weird.”

He shrugged. “Or it might be the back door to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.”


Aiden smiled.

“Okay, I’ll do it,” I said, pointing at him. “If you promise not to lock me in there or deliberately try to scare me.”

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