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- Lucy -

I was glad I had my sunglasses on so Aiden couldn’t see how much he lifted me up.

I guess it was fair. After all, there were no lengths I wouldn’t go to cheer him up if he were feeling down. Still, he was the one that was too good to be true, and I was incredibly grateful for his company and support.

“So tell me about this place,” I said. “How did you choose it over the other location? Didn’t you say you had it narrowed down to two?”

“Yeah,” he said, checking his mirrors. “The other one was also in a great spot, but I didn’t feel like it offered quite as much room to grow.”

“I see.”

“And when you see this place, I’m hoping you’re as blown away by its potential as I am.”

“Me too,” I said.

“I kind of wanted to wait until it was a little more put together before I showed you, but I just couldn’t wait anymore.”

“That’s okay.”

“So you’ll have to use your imagination.”

“I actually prefer that,” I said. “It’ll be more fun that way, ya know? To see it as a blank slate and watch it change as you put your own finishing touches on it.”

Aiden smiled at me for a second and turned his eyes back to the road. “Cool.”

“Are we almost there?”

“Yeah,” he said. “It’s just around this corner.”

I clapped my fingers lightly in front of me. “Ahhh! I’m so excited.”

“You’re the first person I’ve shown it, too,” he said, turning into the office plaza.



“Wow. I’m honored.”

“You should be,” he said. “History is being made here today.”

I laughed and unbuckled my seat belt as he pulled into a parking space.

“Time for the big reveal,” he said, opening his car door.

I stepped out into the sunlight and looked around. “So which is it?”

“That one there,” he said, pointing across the lot.

“The one with the sold sign in the window?”

“That’s the one.”

“I’m already impressed.”

“Well try and pace yourself,” he said, falling into step beside me. “Cause it’s only going to get better.”

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