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I sat in the car, looking shamelessly at her legs while she tucked them in the passenger side.

She caught me and her lips curled up into a half smile. “You smell nice.”

“It’s too much, isn’t it?”

“Not if you were trying to do the whole week’s worth in one go.”

I turned on the ignition. “I was a little excitable this morning.”

She pulled her sunglasses out of her purse and slipped them on. “Well, I hope you’ll try and carry that through the day.”

“That can be arranged,” I said, pulling out into traffic.

Lucy put on her seatbelt and then turned the radio up just a little until Simon & Garfunkel’s voices trickled through my speakers. “I love this song,” she said, leaning back.

“What’s it called?”

She let her head roll towards me from its place on her headrest and smiled. “America.”

“Any luck on the job front?” I asked.

“Not really,” she said. “A few cold leads, but mostly a lot of dead ends.”

“Dead ends?”

“Ya know- the we’re good now but we’ll keep your resume on file kind of thing.”

“Oh right.”

“Not very inspiring.”

“I’m sure something good is in the pipeline.”

“I hope so,” she said. “Because if I murder Fiona, it will be even harder to get hired.”

“Is she driving you up the walls?” I asked, changing lanes.

“I’m sure I’m doing the same to her.” She smoothed her dress down over her thighs. “I mean, we were never supposed to spend this much time together.”


“I love her to death, of course, but I’m afraid I might actually love her to death if we don’t start spending some time apart.”

“Is it just cause she’s manic?”

“No, she’s no crazier than I am. I think she’s only grating on me cause we’re in each other’s pockets.”

“It’s only been a week.”

“I know.” Lucy sat straighter in her seat. “And I already feel positively murderous.”

“You can always stay at my place.”

“Thanks, Aiden. I might start taking you up on that more, at least for a while.”

“That’s fine. I’d much rather you take out your frustration on me.”

“I bet,” she said. “The only thing is that I think my presence helps Fiona stay focused.”

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