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- Lucy -

I looked away from the toaster in case it was in cahoots with the kettle which refused to work when being watched.

“Who was that on the phone?” Fiona asked, walking into the room with her laptop in front of her.

The two of us had taken to walking around the apartment this way constantly, looking as if we were sunning ourselves with our screens.

“Aiden,” I said, glancing back at the toaster.

“Oh.” She set her laptop on the counter. “I thought maybe it was a callback from one of your applications.”

“No,” I said, turning around and leaning against the counter. “I’m starting to think applying to jobs online isn’t going to work.”

“Tell me about it,” she said. “I’ve been at it for weeks.”

“What else can we do though?” I asked, crossing my arms. “Drop our resume into every salon within a twenty mile radius?”

“Maybe start with five?”

“There has to be a better way.”

“Peter suggested I look on Linkedin.”


“I looked,” she said. “But I don’t’ really know what I’m supposed to do.”

“Reach out? Network?”

“I’m familiar with the buzzwords, but what exactly does that mean?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Like who am I supposed to be linking to, and how am I supposed to do it without looking desperate?”

“I know what you mean.”

“Did Aiden have any bright ideas?”

“Not really,” I said. “He was supportive and everything, but he basically just told me to keep my chin up.”

“Did you mention the wedding thing to him?”

“Yeah. I think he’ll put in a good word, but it’s not like he can guarantee anything.”

“Right,” she said, opening the fridge and staring into it. “Is something burning?”

“Damn it,” I said, turning around and pulling my toast out with two fingers. It was so hot I released it instantly, watching as it bounced across the counter, shedding black crumbs everywhere.

Fiona closed the fridge door and turned towards me. “I take it that’s more overdone than you were going for?”


“Maybe throw it out the window so it doesn’t stink up the apartment.”

“I’ll just scrape off the burnt bits.”

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