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- Lucy -

“You’re home early,” Fiona said as I slammed the door.

“I’m home permanently.”


“Not early. Permanently.”

“I heard you,” she said, setting her laptop down on the coffee table.

“Well, maybe permanently isn’t the right word because I need to start looking for a job apparently.” I pushed my palm against my forehead. “Like yesterday I guess.”

“What happened?” she asked. “Did he fire you, too? For going to the cops?”

“No,” I said, walking towards the couch. “I get the sense that this wasn’t Chuck’s idea at all.”

“Sit down.” She scooted to the edge of her chair, her oversized shirt falling over one shoulder.

I pulled my purse strap over my head and slumped on the couch beside it.

“I’m not a mind reader.”

“Sorry,” I said. “I’m still kind of in shock.”

“So were you sent home or-”

“Yeah, by a letter on the door.”

“What did it say?”

“Premises closed until further notice.”


“That’s literally all it said. There wasn’t even a phone number to call or anything.”

“So what have you been doing the last few hours?”

“Well, Katie and Di were freaking out.”


“And saying all this stuff like we shouldn’t have gone to the police and this was all our fault.”


“So I had to tell them it probably had nothing to do with what we did, reminding them as best I could that it was the right thing to do.”


“And I had to tell them what I knew because they wouldn’t have believed me otherwise.”


“So hopefully I don’t get in trouble for that because the cops told me to keep my mouth shut.”

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