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“That’s what this thing with Aiden feels like. Like we were having lots of fun on a ride we were both comfortable with and now I can never get back on it again.”

Fiona rolled her eyes. “Some things are meant to be outgrown. The fragile adult stomach isn’t meant to be spun around like that.”

“What if that’s just what they want you to think?”

“It’s not about being manipulated by a mystery they. It’s about moving on to bigger and better things when the time comes.”

I pursed my lips.

“Like sleeping with Aiden Briggs.”

I smiled.

“Which has got to be better than just feeling queasy for two long minutes.”

“Yeah,” I said. “It is. But it makes your legs feel about the same.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

“I doubt you have to. From the look of you, I’d say you went for a few spins last night yourself.”

She smiled. “I may or may not have surprised Peter at work.”

My mouth fell open. “By surprised Peter at work, you don’t mean-”

“That’s exactly what I mean.”

“Shit. At the Children’s Hospital?”

“Yeah, at three in the morning.”

I shook my head. “Well well, Dr. Grey. I’m very impressed.”

“I was worried you would judge me.”

“Only if you did it in front of the kids.”

“No,” she said. “No children were blinded in the process of my seduction.”


“Of course, now I’m all paranoid that the guy I’m seeing works in a building where there are literally beds all over the place.”


“How can I possibly keep tabs on a guy who is under that much stress and has access to such a surplus of horizontal space?”

“If anyone can I’m sure you can.”

“Thanks,” she said. “Feel free to say that as often as you remember.”

“I will,” I said, sliding the cake box in front of me and popping it open. “In the meantime, would a slice of twenty dollar a piece wedding cake make you feel better?”

A smile spread across her face. “There’s only one way to find out.”

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