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“Are you kidding? Remember Sylvia Martin’s graduation party?”


“Well I do,” he said. “You were so pissed the cookie cake disappeared before you got some I thought you were going to make me throw my piece up.”

“You would’ve deserved it for eating cake behind my back.”

“I can’t even enjoy cake since that day unless you get a piece, too.”

“As it should be,” I said.

“I went to a party recently- I don’t know if I told you this- and the host had made all these cake pops-”

I pursed my lips.

“I almost asked Chelsea to put some in her purse for you.”

I laughed. “That would’ve gone down well.”

“Well it’s not like she would’ve eaten them.”


“Unfortunately, she had one of those stupid small purses that doesn’t even have a strap.”

“So it would’ve been ruined.”

“Yeah,” he said. “The purse and the cake pops.”

“So what did you do?”

“I didn’t try them.”

“Are you serious?”

“Okay, I had a few.”

I rolled my eyes.

“But I didn’t enjoy them.”

“I had no idea I’d given you such a complex.”

“And that’s just one of them.”

“Ha Ha,” I said, wanting to sit up. “Well, all this talk of cake has made me hungry.”

“Good,” he said, scooting back.

“Would you mind grabbing the other robe for me?” I asked.

“Really?” His face fell. “What if you get icing on it?”

“Trust me. No icing is going to escape.”

“But if it did and it fell onto your chest or something, I’d be able to lick it off easier.”

“Maybe that can be arranged if you get me the robe.”

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