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- Lucy-

I couldn’t believe he was talking to me like that, telling me what to do. More than that, I couldn’t believe I liked it.

No one had ever spoken to me that way and honestly, if it had been anyone else, I don’t think I would’ve played along so willingly. But it was Aiden. I trusted him. Plus, his assertiveness was so surprising that it took my mind off the fact that he was my friend, that things were never supposed to go this far.

And in that moment, I couldn’t have resisted him any better than I could’ve refused him.

So without overthinking it too much, I got down on my knees.

He looked like a man possessed as he removed his jacket, throwing it over a chair without looking away from me. Then his hands went to his belt.

Watching him slide the strap through the buckle made me feel lightheaded, like the anticipation of having him might make me faint.

When his hands went for his zipper, I stopped him. “Wait,” I said, putting my hands on his thighs. “I’ll take it from here.”

His chest fell as he exhaled.

I ran my hands up his muscular legs, watching the bulge in his pants grow as I unfastened the clasp at the top. Then I looked up at him and lowered his zipper slowly.

His face was full of angst, like every moment was torturous for him, and it felt amazing to have that kind of power over such a sexy, headstrong man. After all, as much fun as it was to lose control with him, I relished having it just as much.

I tucked my fingers in the waistband of his pants and boxers and pulled them down. His dick was straining inside them so much it was an effort to pull the layers over it.

When I had his pants around his ankles, I looked back up at him, trying to act nonchalant about the throbbing cock between us. “Why don’t you sit back and relax?”

He let out the breath he was holding. “I thought you’d never ask.”

He sat back on the edge of the bed and I untied his laces before grabbing the heel of each shoe and pulling them off one at a time. Then I pulled his pants and boxers off his feet and tossed them to the side so I could scoot between his legs.

He watched me from his sitting position on the bed with an intensity that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It was a struggle to keep his impatience from letting me get ahead of myself, but I didn’t want to rush something I’d been so looking forward to.

I moved between his legs and laid my palms against the inside of his calves. The feel of the hair on his legs over his muscles awakened something primal in me, and I was overcome with the urge to see more of him on display. “Take off your shirt,” I said, sliding my hands towards his knees.

He undid his tie faster than I thought was possible and unbuttoned the top of his shirt just enough so that he could pull it over his head. “Better?” he asked, his stomach muscles rippling up his sides as he spoke.

“Much,” I said, sliding my hands up his thighs.

His cock was so hard and straight that if I didn’t have my heart set on tasting him, I would’ve jumped right on it, but I owed him one and I intended to repay my debt.

I leaned down and kissed the inside of his thigh, causing his whole body to tense up in anticipation. Then I did it again. But it was a game I couldn’t keep playing. At this point, even I could feel his body begging for it.

I grabbed his dick in one hand and his balls with the other, squeezing both gently as my breath quickened. Then I held his dick up against his stomach and licked my lips as I lowered my mouth to his balls.

First I stuck my tongue out and licked him once, but on the second pass, I sucked one of his balls into my mouth, massaging it with my lips as I rubbed my tongue against it.

Aiden let out a moan that made it sound like I was torturing him, but I could tell he was enjoying it. As I continued sucking his balls, I slipped the fingers of my free hand behind them and applied gentle pressure until he groaned again, giving away the fact that he understood who was in control.

Confident that his defenses were down, I let his balls slip from my lips and turned my attention to his dick before it got too jealous, wrapping my lips around his head and letting my mouth water over him as I grabbed him with two hands.

Aiden stuck his arms out behind him and leaned back, looking so high he could barely keep his eyes open.

That’s when I decided it was time to close mine and let my mouth do the talking. I slid down onto him as far as I could go until he hit the back of my throat. Once I knew what I was working with, I began bobbing my head up and down, squeezing my lips around him as hard as I could. It wasn’t long before my jaw was sore from being stretched so wide, and I wondered how long I could keep it up.

But then I felt a surge flow through him, and it gave me the boost I needed to tighten my grip and move faster.

Suddenly, he growled and grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling it just hard enough that it made me wet.

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