Page 127 of Baby Daddy Wanted

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“You know what I mean. You could just as easily blow the whole thing off and put your goals on the backburner.”

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “That’s what the old me would’ve done. Whereas Finn 2.0 is a proactive nerd who eats prep questions for breakfast.”

Maeve laughed. “Whatever it takes.”

I reached over to squeeze her hand. “Thanks for being so supportive.”

“Of course,” she said. “I’m your biggest fan.”

“Plus, it’s sort of your fault I’m even doing this. I was a perfectly happy, apathetic bachelor before you came along.”

She feigned a scowl. “There’s nothing apathetic about you.”

“I’d become listless about making art, though, until you showed up and made a big fuss. Even my music has benefitted from your company.”

“You think?”

“Definitely,” I said. “I was beginning to think the only reason I ever had any success at all was because of my devastating good looks.”

She struggled to suppress a smile.

“But I’ve written three new songs this week. Well, two and a half, but the third’s got real potential.”

“That’s wonderful. On the piano?”

“The first two I wrote on the guitar,” I said as I added another generous drizzle of syrup to my crispy chicken. “But the last came to me when I was tinkering with my keyboard yesterday.”

“I’d love to hear them,” she said. “Whenever they’re ready for an audience.”

“Of course.” I stabbed a piece of waffle with my fork. “Got a few kinks to work out first, but you’ll get a private concert as soon as they’re fit for your fine ears.”

Her eyes smiled. “Have you ever thought about writing a lullaby?”

I swallowed the bite I was chewing. “A lullaby?”

Her big brown eyes went shiny.

My heart seized in my chest, and the air left my lungs. “For real?”

She pressed her lips together and nodded as tears filled her eyes.

I stood and swept her into my arms, hugging her tighter than ever until the irrational thought that I might crush the baby crossed my mind. “When did you find out?”

“This morning,” she said. “But I wanted to tell you in person.”

I peppered her face with kisses before leaning back to look at her. “You’re growing a human, and you let me go on about my practice test?!”

“Are you excited?”

“Excited?!” I said, my voice cracking. “All I do is write lullabies now! Full time. You need a lullaby? I’m your guy.” I yanked at my hair like I could pluck the racing thoughts from my head. “Oh shit, I’m going to be a dad… And you’re going to be a mom!”

“I know,” she said, her eyes glassy crescents. “Pretty crazy.”

“And Otis is going to be a big brother!” We both glanced towards the couch in time to see his furry gold brows rise up over the arm of it before he went back to his nap. “Maeve.”


“Thank you.” I didn’t know what I was feeling, only that it was good. Relief mixed with nervous anticipation. Joy mixed with…nervous anticipation.

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