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“Not after what I saw today,” West countered. “Just eat some fucking food before you start back in with the hair of the dog.”

The VIP rooms at the nightclub had been recently remodeled to cut down on the sound from the dance floor with specially installed glass panels, so guests could watch the dance floor, but still carry on conversations. It was a vast improvement over the old suites.

Eli was grateful for the din on the sound, especially since his head was still pounding. He really needed the Advil to kick in soon.

“Is Shaw coming?” Eli asked Ryder. “I haven’t heard from him.”

“No, he’s sitting this one out. His brother is in town for the playoffs, so he’s hanging out with him tonight. And Fally’s staying home with the kid,” Ryder said. “Baby Luke is teething, and Nic hasn’t had very much sleep. She’s taking the night off.”

West stood and peered down at the dance floor. “Anyone seen the ladies yet?”

“Unbelievable. He can’t even be away from his girl for twenty minutes,” Brandon said, shaking his head. “Give it a rest, Kellz.”

“Like you’re much better,” West shot back. “You and Hannah were glued together last night at the party. Hypocrite.”

“There they are,” Ryder told the group. “Can’t miss Zoe’s red hair.” He pointed at his wife.

Eli glanced down at the dance floor through the flashing multicolored lights, then sucked in a breath.

Holly stood next to Penn, Zoe, and Hannah, looking stunning in a tight, little black dress and silver high heels. Her hair hung long and loose around her shoulders. As beautiful as she looked, he could tell by the expression on her face that she wasn’t happy.

“What the hell is Holly doing here?” he demanded, looking at West.

“Well, she’s Penn’s best friend, and from what I’ve heard, she had a pretty shitty night,” West said pointedly. “I wanted to give her the chance to get away and enjoy herself. It’s 90s night at the club, and Penn wanted her to come out and hang with the girls.”

The waitress approached with their appetizers and drinks, setting them down on a table in the center of the room.

Brandon handed Eli his water. “Relax, Donnelley. Have a refreshing beverage.”

Eli shot him a dirty look. “I’d rather have a beer.”

“So, are you going to tell us what happened with Holly?” Ryder asked, taking a bite of his bruschetta. “Because I’m pretty sure West told me that dragging it out of you is a legitimate option.”

Eli uncapped his water. “You guys know we have some history. It blew up in my face last night.”

“How so?” West asked.

“Holly asked why I blew her off all those years ago. It took me by surprise, and we got into an argument. Long story short, she told me she didn’t ever want to see me again.”

“Ouch,” Brandon muttered. “That’s harsh.”

“Holly’s a firecracker,” West told Eli. “You know she goes off once in a while.”

“No,” Eli said. “This was different. She was crying. It was an ugly, awful scene.”

“Holy shit,” Ryder muttered, staring at him. “Jesus, Donnelley. You made Wilkes cry? She’s one of the toughest chicks I’ve ever met.”

“That she is,” West agreed.

“Why did you blow her off?” Brandon asked him.

“Because I was a fucking idiot,” Eli said, then sighed. “I thought I knew what I was doing when I let her go.”

“I’m guessing now that you realize you didn’t know shit, eh?” Ryder asked.

Eli glanced down at the dance floor where Holly and the rest of the girls were dancing to “On the Other Side” by Big Prosperity, and the flashback struck him like lightning.

It was the same song she’d been dancing to on the table at his party that night. The same song where that asshole, Beckett, had slid his hand up her leg, then slapped her on the ass.

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