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Okay, it’s time to get out of this room and buy an extra-large coffee. My stomach is calmer now after the hot shower, and I need to de-fuzz my brain. A caffeine overload seems like a good idea.

When I check my texts again on the walk over to the cafeteria, I see the last one has been read, too. Yet still no response.

Sucking in a breath, I close my eyes and shove the phone into my pocket.

Okay, I need to figure out how to handle this situation delicately, because things are obviously not okay between us right now. But we’re friends, and we can figure it out together. The fact that we slept together doesn’t have to screw everything up. And it won’t, as long as we don’t let it.

I go through the cafeteria line and wait for my turn to pay, then contemplate whether or not to stay here and relax or go back to my room.

When I exit the line, I stop short.

Eli’s sitting at one of the long tables with a few of his teammates. Directly to his left is Stacie. She looks perfect, with her long, chestnut hair put up into a high ponytail. Her lips are painted a bright red, matching perfectly to her sweater.

Eli lifts his head and sees me standing there. We lock gazes, and I lift my hand, waving at him. He studies me for a few seconds, his expression curiously blank, then turns away. That’s when he drapes an arm around Stacie.

Around fuckingStacie.

Fury turns my vision red, and I suck in a startled breath. As much as I want to move, I can’t. I’m frozen to the floor.

Maybe he senses that I haven’t left, because he glances back over at me, with his arm still around that fucking bitch. The sight is like a knife to my heart, which has shattered into pieces.

Inside, I’m screaming, but I’m not the kind of person to cause a big scene. I’m not going to cry, yell, or freak out.

No. I’m better than that.

I gather up all of my hurt and anger as I lift my hand again. But this time, I don’t wave. Narrowing my eyes, I slowly extend my middle finger and mouth, “fuck you.”

Finally, a flicker of emotion flashes on his face—regret maybe—but I’m past caring.

Lifting my chin, I turn and walk out of that cafeteria like I don’t have a care in the world.

It’s just all such a fucking waste. For one semester, we grew close, became good friends, and had amazing sex. Then he deliberately smashed my heart into a million pieces, and I have no idea why he did it.

I guess I’ll never find out because I have no intention of ever speaking to him again.

Eli Donnelley is a mistake I won’t make twice.

* * *

“Holland, what is up with you lately? You’re not your normally prickly self.”

Mandi sits down on the edge of my bed and brushes a lock of long brown hair behind her ear. She gives me a concerned look. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I mumble, taking out my earbuds.

Mandi sighs. “I know you’re not fine. Why can’t you just tell me what’s bothering you? I’m your friend, after all.”

I set down my textbook and look over at her. “Friends” is a little bit of a stretch, but somehow, I’ve gotten used to Mandi and her eternally upbeat energy this semester.

I wish I could harness some of it because I could really use an attitude change.

It’s been a week since Eli’s party, and I’m even more depressed than before.

I’ve tried throwing myself into studying for finals, but it’s been difficult, especially since I see Eli around campus everywhere. I go out of my way to avoid him, and even though we share a class, he no longer sits next to me. No surprise there, I guess.

“I fell for this guy,” I tell Mandi hesitantly.

It’s not like I’d ever tell her who it was. It would break her heart, and even though we aren’t close, I don’t want to hurt her.

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